Chapter 29: Forgive and Forget

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Chapter 29: Forgive and Forget

He just starred at me. No emotion, nothing, he just starred at me with a blank expression. Slowly, different emotions floated across his face. Surprise, shock, sadness, and then, anger. I let go if his wrist." I can't believe you. I begged for weeks for forgiveness, but the day after I tell you that I'll never give up you forgive me?" He asks, is that how it looked? I just shook my head." When AJ was punching you yesterday I saw just how sorry you were. You were just standing there letting her. I knew that you really were sorry." I spoke in a low whisper." Would you like to know who Landon is?" I ask, he nodded. I pulled my phone out and logged onto my Kim K game. I pulled the contacts up and showed him." I got my avatar and him married yesterday." I whispered. He looked at me with tears in his eyes." I'm sorry... I'm sorry for everything... I'm sorry I didn't listen when you tried to explain... I'm sorry that I hit you... I'm sorry that I c-" I shut him up by kissing him." It's okay... I forgave you, remember?" I wrapped my arms around him in a hug. He did the same in return." You did what now?" I heard a voice growl. Oh crap, it's my dad." Daddy, he's truly sorry, he knows he messed up." I said. I moved in front of him. Daddy yanked me off the bed and through me across the room. I screamed and someone caught me." Oh, hey, Steven." I greeted." Hey, Trista, can you tell me why I caught you?" He asked. I nodded." Daddy's mad and he through me across the room." I said. He almost dropped me." Can I get down now?" I ask, Steven nods and puts me down. I look over at Chandler and see daddy about to punch him. Steven tackles daddy right before he does. I run over and wrap my self around him." DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE? She has battered wife syndrome now!" My dad yells. I shake my head through the tears." No I don't, he's sorry for what he's done. He begged me for three weeks for forgiveness. He knows what he's done was wrong." I say. I have my arms around Chandler's chest and he has his around my shoulders. I feel someone grab my shirt," Let go of him." My dad growls. I shake my head." No, your going to hurt the one I love." I shoot back. He starts to pull on my shirt , I just tighten my grip." No, I love him, I'm not about to let you hurt him. I've taken three bullets and nearly getting stabbed for him. I'm not letting anything happen to him." I tell him. Suddenly, his grip was gone and I hear a thud." Trista, are you okay? Did he hurt you in anyway?" Norman asks. I shake my head." I'm fine, it's just he tried to hurt Chandler is all." I admit." What happened?" He asked, Norman knew about what happened." He found out." I said through the tears. I let go and turn around to see Norman had my dad pinned to the ground with his arm held firmly between his shoulder blades. I turn back to Chandler." Are you okay?" I ask, he just nods. I notice a red ring around his neck." What happened?" I ask, he looks at me really confused. I grab the hand mirror on the side table and show him. He gasps." It must be from how he had me by my shirt." He says. I put the mirror back on the table." I'm sorry I broke my promise." I apologized." You didn't break your promise." He spoke," Yes I did, I promised to always stuck by you, no matter what. I didn't, I dumped you at the first sign of trouble." I said firmly." It's my fault that you left, I'm the one who should be, and is, sorry." He retorted." I love you, Chandler." I admitted." And I love you." He answered. I smiled at him and then kissed him. He then, kissed me. He pulled away and smiled looking me in the eyes." Trista, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

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