Chapter 13: Crawl Space

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Chapter 13: Crawl Space

" I know that we just got home, Trista, but because I've missed so much work I've got to go to set tomorrow. If you want you can come with me or you can stay here." Daddy tolled me as we are lunch. I swallowed the bite of spaghetti I had and spoke up," I wanna come with you." He smiled and have a small laugh," Pretty soon you'll be walker slayer just like us." I smirked," When I went to comic con in January I actually was, I can't wait to see Michael again. I wonder if he remembers me." I noticed the boys stares," Didn't think I was one for comic con did yah?" I ask, they shook there head." Yep, daddy when you were packing my stuff did you see the autograph I had in a frame?" He nodded," That was from him." They nodded," Yep, she's a walker slayer all right." Chandler spoke, I gave him a mischievous smile. I quickly finished my spaghetti and excused myself. I went up to my room and changed into my pink, grey, and white camo pj pants with my white Jamaica shirt. I put my hair in a ponytail and grabbed my nerf rebel gun. I loaded it completely, I could shoot one at a time and it held two in the back. I had a whole bag FULL of bullets for it. I grabbed them and snuck through the crawl space I found earlier. I found Chandler in the kitchen getting water. As soon as he put the cup down and turned around I hit him right between the shoulder blades. I quickly crawled away, I made sure to make no sound. I found daddy in the living room watching the news, I noticed the remote had big buttons, so I hit the channel one. I quickly crawled away and hid. I apparently took a wrong turn somewhere and found myself in a hidden room. There was literally no door except the crawl space. The room was dusty and pink. It looked to be a little girl's room. There was a little canopy bed in the corner, a small toy chest in front of it, a shelf of dolls on the wall, a white wicker rocking chair, a doll bed beside the chair, and then the most horrifying thing I could imagine. There was a human form in the bed. I looked to the dolls one last time, each one was porcelain with curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and white bonnets. There were three, one in a pink dress, one in a white dress, and one in blue. Each had a number it, the pink one had a three, blue was two, and white was one. I quickly turned around and crawled out if the room, it was creepy in there. Once I made it back to my room I found daddy and Chandler." Follow me, it's important, I swear." I demanded," What's so important?" Chandler asked," I found a crawl space in my room and I took a wrong turn trying to get out and found this old room. I'm pretty sure there's a dead toddler in there." I tolled them, they just laughed." There isn't a dead toddler in the house." I looked him dead in the eye," pink walls, canopy bed, three porcelain dolls, white wicker rocker, toy chest in front of the bed. Follow. Me." They jumped up and followed. Once we reached the room they looked panicked." I tolled you..." I whispered. They nodded. I wrapped my arms around Chandler and he did the same back. When daddy walked over to the small bed and pulled the covers back I wasn't ready for what we found.

Andrew's POV

I wasn't prepared for what happened when I pulled the covers back. Right there in front of me was a little girl. She had curly blonde hair and was wearing a pink night gown. I didn't see her eyes, they were closed. I stupidly checked for a pulse, nothing. I picked up the little girl and she wouldn't move, I couldn't pick her up off the bed. I laid her back down and noticed she was tied down. I untied the girl and picked her up and carried her to the crawl space." Let's go, we need to phone the police." They nodded and began to crawl out. I held the tiny girl in one arm and crawled out. Once we made it out I noticed just how still she was. Her hair was matted with cob webs and her skin was graying.

Trista's POV

This is scary, we found a dead girl in our house. I called the police and tolled them everything and they even talked to my dad. I ended up attaching myself to Chandler the rest of the night." Hey, baby, it's going to be okay. We'll find out what happened to her and all that. She'll be okay." He tolled me holding me. His parents are out of town so he's staying with us while Grayson's staying with there grandparents. I nod and close my eyes, the police came and got the girl a few hours ago. We were due to the station tomorrow at eleven.

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