Chapter 7: One World

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Chapter 7: One World

Trista's POV

I open my eyes to see that I'm in a white room. I gasp for air for a minute, and then I'm fine. I groan and sit up." What happened? One minute I'm being eaten by walkers, I get my brains blown out my by best friend so I won't turn, and I wake up in a hospital." I rant, I look around to see I'm in a room full of people." Umm, hi?" I say." She she she's alive..." Chandler stutters." I'm not sure..." I tell them." What exactly happened?" I ask." Lance LaFoy shot you, you blacked out, Chandler saved your life, you were brought here, you were in a coma for a month and a half, they pulled the plug on you, and you woke up gasping for breath." Andrew tolled me." Oh my gosh, so it wasn't a dream." I whispered." By the way, right before you passed out you said 'It's not a dream...' what does that mean?" Chandler asked, I blushed a deep red," I'm sorry, I'm not trying to embarrass you..." he says," It's fine, you deserve an explanation. I had a dream we met, fell in love, adopted this girl that I used to talk to, I woke up, then I had another dream and the same thing happened, except we had twins that were biologically ours after waking up with a hang over from a party." I tolled him," I wasn't sure if it was another dream or if I actually woke up that time." I noticed Chandler's eyes were red and puffy along with Andrew's." Oh, Trista, I got the adoption papers signed, I'm officially your dad." Andr- daddy, tolled me." Thanks, um, daddy." I said, he smiled a huge smile." By the way, have you been crying? Not to be rude, but none of you know me." " I can't believe I'm saying this, but yeah." Chandler spoke." I'm your dad, of course I was." Daddy said." So, when can I get out of here?" I ask. Dr. Bobo stepped foreword." I'd say in a few hours, we've got to check your vitals, blood pressure, heart rate, stuff like that." I sigh and roll my eyes," Can we wait a little while before that? Like thirty minutes or so?" I ask, truth is, I don't trust doctors." Sure." He says and walks out. I look around to see everything's been unhooked from me. IV's, heart monitor, everything. I hold my arms out for hugs." Get over here, both of you." I tell them, Chandler's the first over. I wrap my arms around him and he does the same." I thought I'd lost you..." he whispers. I feel something wet hit my back." I'm here, I'm not leaving you." I tell him, I feel his grip tighten, I start rubbing his back." Okay, okay, we'll talk more later, I promise." I tell him. He let's go with a nod. My dad walks over and I give him a huge hug. After a few seconds he let's go." I'll give you and Chandler sometime, we can talk after we drop him off." He tells me and walks out. Chandler looks at me, I pull the covers up and pat the spot beside me." Get over here, you big baby." I tell him jokingly." How the h*ll are you not upset right now?" He asks as he climbs in." I'm alive, I know this is reality, one of my favorite celebrities adopted me, and your here." I tell him. I wrap my arms around his stomach and lay my head on his chest as he lays back." I broke up with Hana last week." He tells me," Darn, I actually thought you guys were cute together, I was no shipper though. I find that weird." I tell him," I have no idea how to respond to that." He says," No need, let's just talk." I start." How about Double Questions? I just like made that up a few weeks ago." I tell him," Okay, how do we play?" He asks." One person asks the other player a question, both people have to answer the question, and it goes on from there like that till they don't want to play anymore." " Let's play until we reach the fifth question, knowing me I'll have trouble of thinking of questions." Chandler responds." Okay."

T- Trista C- Chandler

T- Favorite color, mines blue

C- Same, favorite food? Mines ribs.

T- Tacos, ever taken dance? I took ballet in the fifth grade.

C- Yeah, tap. Birthday? June 27.

T- December 17, favorite movie genre? Mines horror.

C- Same, favorite band? Maroon 5.

T- One Direction, what question are we on? I think that's six.

C- Yeah, I think so.

I lay there holding Chandler close, I was afraid that my biological father would take him from me." Why did you save me? I mean, I'm grateful for it, but why?" He asked." I did what made sense, I didn't know if I was dreaming. Besides, if it was real I knew you have millions of people who love and adore you, while my own family didn't want me. I know, he only wanted to see me happy before she died. Anyways, I'm one of those millions of people, I love you. I can see just how kind, down to earth, funny, fun loving, and talented you are. I don't care about the fame or money, all I see is you. That's another reason why I saved you." I tolled him." Thank you, Ti-Trista." I giggled," How do you know my nickname? I've been trying to get people to call me that." I ask him, I look up into his eyes." I talked with a few of your friends, they tolled me, sorry I snooped." I smile." It's okay, I don't mind you snooping." He really is perfect.

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