Chapter 14: The Station

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Chapter 14: Station

The next morning was awful. I woke up to ice water being poured on my head, and when I went to shower get this? We were out of hot water! I got dressed in my black skinny jeans, a black tank top, a black shirt with netted shoulders, and my jean jacket. Because my army boots had blood on them I was stuck with my fakes. My hair was wet and I didn't have a blow dryer so I was stuck with my hair down till it dried. I checked the clock and it was NINE AM?! I groaned and grabbed my phone. I don't wan to talk to anybody. I noticed my best friend had sent me a text, so I FaceTimed her, she always puts me in a good mood." AJ!" I called once she answered." DASH!" Yes, dash as in RainbowDash from my little pony, we're female bronies." I miss you!" We yell at the same time. We talk for about an hour, then," IDEA!" I scream," Hiw about I ask if you can spend the INTIRE summer here!" I suggest. She starts doing some weird jumping dance." PERFECT!" I jump up and start running," DADDY!" I call out till I find him in the kitchen making breakfast." Can my best friend stay here this summer?" I ask," Sure." He says, I squeal and hug him," Thank you!" I run back up to my room and wait for her to ask, they call my grandmother, ask about Daddy, and tell her yes. Since summer starts next week she'll be flying in next week. Since I ended the year by home schooling I've already finished. I somehow got it all done on the plane before I fell asleep. We talk until I have to go, we hang up as I promise to call later. We climb in the car and head to the station. Once we get there we're all split up, I was lead to a questioning room with officer Fields. I sat down as he started the questioning." Ms. Lincoln, how did you discover the girl?" He asked," I had found a crawl space earlier in the day when I was trying to find my swim suit, later after lunch I decided to prank my dad and boyfriend by shooting them with my nerf gun. When I was trying to get out I took a wrong turn and found a room. In that room was the girl, a canopy bed, a toy chest, a wicker rocking chair, and a shelf of dolls. I'm sure there was more, I just can't remember." I tolled him, he nods writing it down." Well, you actually answered all of my questions just answering the first one. Well, all but one. Are you okay with giving a DNA sample?" He asks, I nod. He leaves for a minute and he comes back with a bag." I'll just take a few strands of hair. I rip a few strands out and hand them to him. Surprisingly it didn't hurt. He let me go after that. I waited on my dad an Chandler till a female police officer said something," Alright, punk, what are you here for?" She asked, I sighed," I didn't do anything, I was here for questioning on a dead girl I found in my house. I'm waiting on my boyfriend and dad, whom are both here for questioning because they were there as well." I informed her," Well let's go for the questioning." She sighed, I shook my head." Already did with officer Fields." I informed her. She rolled her eyes and walked off. I sat there for a few more minutes for daddy and Chan before they got here.

Chandler's POV ( during the questioning)

I sat there waiting on officer May to show up, we need to get this over with." Alright, I'm back." She spoke walking in." I've only got four questions for you: where were you when she was found, how did you find her, why were you there, and will you do a DNA sample." He asked I rolled my eyes and answered." I was watching tv with Andrew, I didn't find her, Trista did, she lead us in to a little room he found in the crawl space, and yes." I spoke." I've got one more question." She said," Go ahead." I tolled her," What all happened that lead to that event?" She asked." I was getting a cup of water and I was hit with a nerf bullet, I figured it was Trista because I knew Andy was watching tv and I didn't hear him, I couldn't find her so I just have up. I sat down and watched the marathon on the screen. Out if no where Trista came running in covered in dust and spider webs. She was babbling about a secret room a crawl space lead to. We didn't believe her at first but followed her anyways, when we got down there I was shocked. Trista latched on to me, I didn't mind, but it was kind of creepy down there. Andrew picked the girl up, but he had to put we back down and untie her, and then we left. That's when we called you." I answered and gave them some of my hair and they let me leave.

Andrew's POV ( questioning time)

I sat there, literally the police weren't asking question." Alright, we've got two questions for you: What happened the night she was found? And would you give us a DNA sample?" I nodded." I was sitting in the living room watching the tele, Chandler was in the kitchen getting some water and I was wasn't sure where Trista was. Out of no where a net bullet changed the channel, so I knew she was around here somewhere shooting her nerf gun. A few minutes later Chandler came in with his water and he obviously got shot with a bullet. We were watching the tele when Trista came running in with this crazy story about a crawl space and a secret room. We didn't believe her so she looked me dead in the eye and tolled me what was in it. We followed her and found the girl in the room. I carried her back to the living room and we called you." I tolled them. After I gave them some of my hair they let me leave.

Trista's POV

They finally showed up and we left." Anybody wanna go get some lunch?" Daddy asked," sure." Chan and I said at the same time." Jinx!" I screamed" You can't talk now." I tolled him as he pouted. I have him a hug before whispering his name once." Chandler..." I teased before kissing him on the cheek." Chandler..." I said for the second time, I then grabbed his hand and felt him grasp back." Chandler." I said before taking off. I hoped in the car and waited on Chandler." How does Taco Casa sound?" Daddy asked. I squealed and started jumping up and down." I believe this child wants Taco Casa." Chandler said climbing in. I nod as we start driving to Taco Casa. Once we get there I jump out and start bouncing in my spot waiting on them." Calm down tiny chihuahua!" Daddy tolled me, I let out a giggle as I felt someone grab my hand. I turn to see it was Chandler, I in return held his back. It felt perfect. Once we got inside we order." Could I get two crunchy tacos beef and cheese only with mild sauce, a small sweet tea, and that's it for me." I tell her. Daddy steps up and orders a chicken burrito with hot sauce, a large sweet tea, and then Chandler orders the same thing I did with a medium sweet tea. We sit down and notice we're the only people here. Once we get our food, we dig in. I'm the first one done and I just sit there waiting on them to finish. Once they finished we drove to work." Sorry we're late, Robert, we had to go to the police this morning then we stopped for lunch." It's quite alright, filming got delayed because of a broken camera. You got here just in time, you got lucky." Robert said, he must have noticed I was behind daddy hiding." Who's this little cutie?" He asked, I moved a little further behind daddy, I saw in an interview that he and Chandler didn't get along so I was a little nervous." This is my daughter, the reason we were at the police. She found a little girl hidden in a secret room." I felt arms wrap around me, I turned to see Chandler. I wrapped my arms around him to." And my girlfriend." Chandler spoke up. I didn't know what to do, I just kept my face hidden in my loves chest as he held me close." How about we go meet some of the cast?" Chan asked, I pulled back and nodded." How come your so quiet?" He asked." I saw in an interview that you and Robert didn't get along so I didn't know what to expect from him." I answered.

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