Chapter 17: Summer Break

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Chapter 17: Summer Break

It's been a week since we decided that AJ would get to stay all summer, there fore, AJ arrives today! I've been up since eight and I've been dancing since nine. I got dressed between then, her flight gets here at twelve. She's horrified of planes, so it took a LOT of persuasion to fly out. I started bouncing again as I tried to get the flour for the pancake batter.

I started cooking the pancakes about an hour ago and now I've got about fifty pancakes waiting on everyone, by everyone I mean the cast. I kind of stole daddy's phone and called everyone. I heard a knock on the door, I answered and literally the entire cast stampeded in. I ran up and woke up daddy and tolled him breakfast was ready. He found his way down stairs about ten minutes later." Hey, daddy." I chirped as I ate my third pancake." I'd hurry and grab you some pancakes before Steven eats them all." I finished as I tackled Steven to the floor before he grabbed the last blueberry pancake. I AM THE PANCAKE QUEEN AT BREAKFAST! I started bouncing in my seat as I fixed the pancake." I think you've had enough sugar today." Chan said." If I don't get my sugar than your not getting any either." I tolled him," Besides, I'm only hyper because my best friend is getting here today." I squealed and started eating," I think she belongs in the loony bin." I heard Norman mutter." I know I do, this is actually me being calm before seeing my best friend, just wait till she's here for the summer. You'll here our two person dance parties, our yes and no play arguments, you'll see us making our crazy YouTube video's, you'll see us play fighting, our poking wars. Basically, you'll see us being wild." I admitted." Trista, I think your phones ringing." I literally jumped out of my seat and tackled the couch. I answered and started jumping and squealing." AJ!" I screamed." DASH!" She screamed back. We talked as I ate my pancake." MEET THE REST OF THE CAST!" I yelled as I turned the camera around. Everyone waved and I hugged daddy. I muted the camera," Can I tell her about my role on the show? She's going to find out about it later anyways." I asked daddy," Go ahead." I squealed again and hugged him." Dash! Are you there?" I un-muted my end of the phone and answered." Yeah, I was just asking a question." She nodded," What did you mean by 'the rest of the cast'?" I smiled like a mad women and her eyes went wide," You have a role don't you?" She asked, I squealed and started nodding and jumping." Oh no, now I have to deal with that." She jokingly said. Once they called her to her flight she had to go, we were talking for a little over an hour." This is going to be a long summer." Chan started." Not really, we're all going to have fun." I tolled him. I put my phone on the table and walk over to him." Chan, are you worried I'm going to ignore you all summer because my best friend is going to be here?" I ask sitting on his legs and wrapping my arms around his neck." Maybe." He tells me, I kiss him and pull away." Don't be, she's not going to keep me from you." I lay my head on his shoulder and just enjoy his presence." Hey, love birds, who made breakfast?" I heard Norman ask." Me." I yelled. Out of nowhere someone gripped my waist, pulled me off Chandler, and started spinning me around." Best pancakes ever!" Steven yelled." Put me down, Steven!" I screeched." NEVER!" He yelled." Listen here, Korean man, put me down before I kick you where the sun don't shine!" He instantly stopped spinning me and dropped me before running away. I landed with a thud on my butt." Could have warned me, you alien." I grumbled. I felt someone put there hand on my shoulder, so I jumped up and spun around and nearly went all ninja on them." Oh, hey, Chan." I said awkwardly." I scared you and you were about to go ape sh*t ninja on me weren't you?" He teased," Maybe." I grumbled I wrapped my arms around his torso, he wrapped his around my shoulders." You seem different today." He says," Get used to it, it's going to be like this all summer." I warm him, I jump off him and start singing a random song that popped in my head.

I just finished singing Animals by Maroon 5, and let me tell you, I can not sing. I see my cat slowly walk in the room," ROMEO! When did you get here?" I ask, yes, I talk to animals." I thought I'd bribe the place to let him come home sooner." Daddy tolled me as I pet my baby. I picked up the fat cat and held him like a baby as I rubbed his belly." Why are you acting like he's a baby?" Chan asked," Because he is my baby." I noticed that his emerald eyes have gotten brighter, I put him down and fed him his food." I swear, you remind me of Niall and Harry." I mumbled." Did you just compare him to two members if a boy band?" Chan asked, I nodded." His eyes remind me of Harry and his appetite reminds me of Niall." I tolled him." Trista, it's time to leave!" I squeal and run for the car. I jump in, literally, I slung the door open and dove straight in." I'M READY!" I yelled. I started bouncing in my seat as I waited for the two." HURRY UP SLOW POKES!" I screeched. They finally got in and we drove there. Once we got there I had a hard time getting the door open, I was child proofed in. Once daddy let me out I fell out and landed on my back. I couldn't get up." Can somebody help the awkward turtle up?" I asked. Chandler helped me up," Thank you, video game boy, the awkward turtle is quite happy for your help." I said saluting him." Did you add extra sugar on your pancakes?" Daddy asked," NOPE! I just had lots of syrup on them." I said skipping towards the entrance. I slipped a Hershey kiss out of my pocket and popped it in my mouth." Excuse me, what gate is the flight coming from Alabama coming from?" I asked the lady." Gate seven." I thanked her and skipped to the gate. I ate about half the bag of chocolate waiting for AJ. Once I saw a brunette with a ponytail and cowgirl hat, cowgirl boots, faded and worn blue jeans, and a plaid red and white shirt I knew it was my best friend. I'm pretty sure I ran as fast as RainbowDash can fly over to her." AJ!" I screeched and hugged her." WOAH, partner, calm your self!" She said as she hugged back. I pulled a handful of kisses out of my pocket and handed them to her. I quickly shoved the last three in my mouth and are them. She grinned an evil grin and shoved half of them in her mouth. We walked back to the, oh who am I kidding, AJ was on my back as I ran back to the car with her screaming 'FOR NARNIA!', back to the car." THE AWKWARD TURTLE HAS RETURNED WITH APPLEJACK!" I yelled as they laughed. AJ got off my back and I did introductions," AJ, this is my dad Andrew, and my boyfriend, actually you know who he is. Daddy, Chan, this is Annika, my best friend."

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