Chapter 10: What's He Thinking?

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Chapter 9: What's he thinking?

I walk out of the bathroom, I'm not gonna let them know I was eaves dropping." Alright, let's eat." I state. I grab the box of cheese sticks and grab four. I put them on my napkin and steal a cup of sauce. I sit on the floor up against my bed. I feel the bed move and and notice a shadow above me, it's head was rather puffy." Don't even think about it, Chandler, these cheese sticks are mine. Get. Your. Own." I tell him, I take a bite out of one and hum at the tasty goodness. That made no sense, but who cares? It's delicious. I feel the bed move again and suddenly there's a teenage boy beside me." There aren't anymore, Andrew took them all." Chandler tells me, he gives me puppy dog eyes. I can't resist, I'll tease him a little. I eat a little bit and then give him some. Ie eaten two of the cheese sticks and give him the other two sort of thing. I stand up and get some pizza, I get two slices. I go back to our spot and sit down." I'm going to get a drink, if I come back and you've eaten some of my food I'll hurt you." I threaten. I go and get a grapico. Knowing Chandler he's going to eat my food, so I grab another slice of pizza. I go back, and surprisingly, he didn't." Well that's a shocker." I tell him handing him the slice." Thanks." He tells me. I don't know how we're so close but after I finish eating I lay my head on his shoulder." Hey, Tia, stand up." He tells me, so I do. He stands up to and we walk over to the balcony. When we get out there he closes the curtain and the sliding glass door. It's like we're in our own little world. He grabs my hands and looks into my eyes. In return, I do the same. His eyes are so blue." Trista, I love you, I really do. I can't stand you not being mine, will you be my girlfriend?" Chan asks," Of course, Chan, I love you, I'll defiantly be your girlfriend." I answer back. I let go of his hands and wrap my arms around his neck.

We just finished watching The Conjuring, might I say best movie ever? It's time for bed now. I was about to climb in my bed with daddy, like every night, but he took up the entire bed. Guess who's my bed time buddy tonight? Chandler! I climb back in bed with him and snuggle up." Goodnight, baby girl, I love you." He whispers as he pulls me closer." Goodnight, Chan, I love you too." I whisper back. Slowly I drift off to sleep...

I groan as I feel my self being flipped yet again. I sit up to see I was nearly thrown off the bed. I swear he might not look it, but that kid is strong. Well, I'm the same way, but still! How in the world do you freaking take someone from one side of the bed and nearly throw them off on the other side in your sleep?! I stand up and check the time, it's 12:30 IN THE AFTERNOON?! Oh crap, our flight leaves in an hour!" EVERYONE UP! IT IS 12:30 AND OUR FLIGHT LEAVES IN AN HOUR!" I scream as I grab my clothes and make a run for it to the bathroom. I throw on my black not-so-skinny-skinny-jeans, my pink short sleeve top that had a ruffled v-neck, it might not sound cute because I can't describe it, but it is. Anyways, I through on my nikes and put my hair in a messy bun. I quickly brushed my teeth and walked out with my eyes closed," Is it safe to look?" I ask." Why are you asking? It's the middle of the night." Chan retorted, I opened my eyes and the sun was shining," News flash, no it's not, get up before we miss our flight!" I yelled grabbing my stuff and packing. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground. I sigh and get back up before grabbing my stuff.

After twenty minutes we finally make it to the airport. I had my north face on with the hood up so nobody saw me, same with daddy and Chan. I had ahold of Chan's hand and daddy had his hand on my back as we walked through. Everything went fine until we were on the plain. I'm afraid of heights you could say...

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