Chapter 27: Begging on your knees

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Chapter 27: Begging on your knees

I lay in my bed crying. I'm not putting myself in the hospital again, that's what brought us back together. I hear someone knock on my door," Dash?" AJ asks," Can I come in?" I sniff," Sure." She opens the door and pulls a wagon in. It had chocolate, ice cream, root beer, cheese Itz, tissues, and movies." I swear, those tissues better not be on that wagon because we're watching chick flicks. You know I hate chick flicks." I warn, she shakes her head." No, it's in case you start crying again." She says. I nod but don't sit up.

It's been about six hours since we started hour movie marathon. I flush the toilet, wash my hands, and walk out of the bathroom. When I reach my room all I can see is AJ's fist hitting something or someone, my guess is someone because I'm hearing shrieks of pain. I run over to the other side of the bed and grab AJ. I start pulling her off of whoever she's punching." LET ME GO! LET ME AT HIM!" She screams, as soon as I look up from the squirming AJ I see the one person I didn't want to see." I'm going to act like in dropping you, you run back over to him and hurt him." I whisper in her ear. I slowly 'loose my grip' and she runs back over and starts punching and kicking at him." Oops." I say innocently. As she started beating him I felt guilt run through me. I still love him even though he purposely hit me. Instead of helping I let AJ continue hurting him. After a few minutes I couldn't take it anymore." STOP! Just stop!" I yell, AJ doesn't listen. I reach out and pull her off." Stop, AJ." I say, she doesn't listen she keeps kicking and screaming to be let go." ANNIKA JOY HALLMAN! I SAID STOP!" I screamed, she does and looks at me in shock. I know tears are streaming down my face, but I don't care. I set her down on her feet and she just stands there starring at me." Alright, Riggs, why are you here?" I ask." I wanted to apologize. I'm sorry, Trista, I'm so sorry." He begs. Every time I see him, even at work, he'll beg for my forgiveness. I never except it." No, you've done this everyday for three weeks, when will you give up?" I ask. He looks me dead in the eyes and says one word before leaving." Never." He walked away as u dropped to the floor in tears. Why did he have to make this difficult? Maybe I should forgive him, maybe he truly is sorry. I'll confront him tomorrow.

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