Chapter 19: Tragedy

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Chapter 19: Tragedy

Annika's POV

I heard something hit the floor hard as I sat on the couch trying to process what happened. I run upstairs and Dash is passed out covered and surrounded by blood. She had a smile on her face, she did this on purpose. I quickly looked around for her phone, I found it on her bed. I called her dad," ANDREW, TRISTA'S PASSED OUT ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR!" I panicked." OH MY GOD, call 9-1-1 quick, I'll meet you at the hospital." I hung up and called them.

We've been at the hospital for about three hours. She tried to commit suicide. Andrew ran in about an hour after we got here." Trista Lincoln?" A doctor called out, we stood and walked back." Trista should be okay to get the stitches out with in two weeks. She's still asleep from her loosing so much blood, she got lucky. We had just enough blood of her type to stabilize her and for her to get the surgery done. She cut a little to deep, she's okay though." The doctor informed us. We nodded and he let us in. She was so pale, I'm surprised I haven't- oh never mind. I'm crying now." The police found a note she left, do you want to read it?" The doctor asked, Andrew shook his head no, I nodded yes. He handed it to me, and I read it. She said she was sorry, that she still loves Chandler and that he was forgiven, she loves me like a sister, and that she loves her dad and she thanks him for everything." Andrew, she said she loves you and she said thank you for everything." I whispered, he have me a sad smile." I love you too, Trista, your welcome." He answered her." Her and Chandler broke up, she still loves him and he's been forgiven." I tolled him, he deserves to know why this happened." What happened?" He asked," Trista and I were singing and dancing along to a song we love and after it was over Chandler said he didn't realize he was babysitting today. She thought he was talking about Clara and Charlotte, he said no, then she asked if Grayson was old enough to take care of himself, he said no, he asked her not to be mad, she realized he was talking about her, and she broke up with him. Apparently they talked over the phone afterwards and she found out he was cheating." I wiped away the tears," I'm going to find Chandler." He said darkly and left. I sat there starring at her, she seemed so peaceful, so happy.

Trista's POV

I don't know what happened, after I passed out in the bathroom I felt free. Right now I'm playing with Emily, the ghost girl who used to live in my house." Hey, Em, wanna have a tea party?" I asked, I pulled my tea set my nana gave me out of nowhere." OF COURSE!" She gushed. I set up the tea stuff with real tea and some cookies." While the cookies cool let's get dressed." I suggested I proofed a sparkly blue knee high strapless with clear two inch heels for me and the Cinderella dress with blue ballet flats for Emily. I snapped my fingers and we were dressed. My hair in curls and Emily's in a bun. We had no make up on though. We sat and ate the cookies and sipped our tea as we talked." Why are you here?" She asked innocently." I'm here because my mommy tried to hurt me while I was in the bath, she made me play Ariel and made me go under water to long." She said as if it was the most normal thing ever." I'm here because someone made me really sad and I hurt myself." I answered, she's just a little kid I can't tell her straight up," You mean you tried to commit suicide?" She asked, I gaped at her," How did you know?" I asked," I might be a little kid, but I've been here a really long time. If I were alive I'd be thirty six." I gasped," Yeah, I committed suicide." I sighed," No you didn't, your story is still going, your still alive. Your in the waiting area, God hasn't decided if it's your time yet, he's keeping you alive right now." I gasp," If that's why I'm here, and your already dead, how are you here?" I ask." I'm a wonderer, I go around and if I feel a connection with them I stick with them. I can go anywhere I want, even here." She looks at me and gives a sad look," It looks like it's your time to go, your turning blue." She sighs and gives me a hug." I'll see you when I'm not a wonderer anymore." I hug back. She pulls away and out if nowhere I let out a cry if pain." There saving you!" She smiles," Trista, lay flat on your back, like a board." I do as tolled," Alright, now hold your breath." I do," Just stay like that, everything will pass and you'll be okay." I don't want to be okay, I want to die." It's not your time, your one of the lucky ones. You got a break from the world, your going to live." Emily tolled me. I lay there, slowly, I felt like I was falling. I still didn't move from my position. The electricity that felt like it was running through me slowly began to appear from m heart, and then it began to spread and surround me. In time I was surrounded by it. And then I felt myself land, I opened my eyes as I gasped for air. I looked around, I'm in a hospital, I landed in my body in the hospital bed. I slowly sat up, nobody was in the room. Wait, there's a sheet in front of my face. I push it down, still nobody was in the room. I looked around, my phone was next to me. I grabbed it, I had twenty-six missed calls and 104 text messages from Chandler. And one from daddy. I opened the one from daddy," I know you probably aren't going to read this, but I went to have a talk with Chandler. I'll be back as soon as possible, love you." I smiled, I'm going to reply and scare him, later.

Andrew's POV (ten minutes after he left the hospital)

I slammed the car door and storm up the Riggs' drive way. I knock on there door," I need to speak with you." I tolled the boy who broke Trista's heart." Um, s-sure..." he stuttered, he stepped aside and I walked in." Listen, punk, Annika tolled me that you called Trista immature and that you cheated on her, do you know where she is now?" He shook his head,"'SHE'S IN THE HOSPITAL BECAUSE SHE TRIED TO KILL HERSELF BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU DID!" I yelled, he looked like he was going to cry, good." Listen here, I don't want you around my daughter until she's forgiven you in person." It's a trick, she's not going to be able to forgive him in person, he can't go near her. He just nodded, I quickly retreated. His *ss better stay away from my little girl. He's lucky I didn't beat him. I climb in the car and drive home, Steven dropped Annika off not to long ago.

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