Chapter 15: The Cast

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Chapter 15: The Cast

Chan and I walked hand in hand looking for his fellow cast member's. We found Norman, Steven, and Lauren over by the snack table. Steven had a carrot stick up one nostril and a celery stick up the other. Lauren and Norman were laughing at him and I couldn't help but let out a giggle as well. Chandler was laughing as well. Everyone looked over at me and I immediately stopped. They were starring at me with there mouths hanging open, out of nowhere the celery stick in Steven's nose fell out and I died laughing. I was on the ground laughing to hard." Who is she? I didn't think today was the day we were bringing the fan to work." Lauren asked Steven in a whisper. I stand up after I finish my laughing fit." Guys, this is Trista, my girlfriend and Andy's new daughter." Chan answers for me. I nod, I'm now kind of hidden behind Chandler. Everyone was still kind of starring at me, why are they starring?!" Um, hi...?" I whispered, I'm shy when I meet new people, most of the time. When I spoke it seemed to break them if there trance." Um, hi, it's nice to meet you..." Lauren said, I gave her a shy smile. Steven took the carrot stick out of his nose and threw it away before offering his hand for me to shake it." Hey, I'm Steven." He says, I shake his hand and smile." Hey, Steven, I'm Trista." I say stupidly, I swear my blonde always kicks in when I don't need to." I'm Norman." The next dude says with a wave, I wave back and don't say anything since they know who I am. I see an angry Robert heading are way as we turn around. I quickly hide behind Chandler not knowing what to expect." Chandler, you were supposed to be in hair and make up ten minutes ago, get moving!" He screams at him. Chan nods and leaves me standing in the dust with people I don't know. I see a women with twins being carried over," Are you in charge of the twins today?" She asks me, I was about to answer but she just put there bags on my shoulders handed them to me and left." I'm not in charge of them... and she's gone." I sigh, it's a good thing I'm good with kids. I notice a chair so I sit down with them in my lap. One of them is wearing a yellow sundress and the other is wearing a blue sundress." Can either of you talk?" I ask," I Cwara!" The one in yellow spoke." Okay, I know who's who now, thank you Clara." Yellow Clara, blue Charlotte. I notice Robert walk over, so I gulp." Why do you have the twins?" He asks." Some women walked over, asked if I was in charge of them, hands them to me with there stuff without letting me answer, and left." I tolled him." Well, we need Charlotte for her scene. Do you mind taking care of Clara today? The lady who was supposed to take care of them today quite." I nod." Sure, I'm great with kids, I can do this everyday if you'd like." I tolled him." That would be amazing, thank you, I'll talk with your dad about paying you for this." I smiled before handing Charlotte to Robert." How did you know this was Charlotte?" He asked." When I asked if one of them could talk Clara tolled me who she was, Clara is wearing yellow today so that would mean Charlotte's wearing blue." I spoke. He nodded and rushed off to get her ready. I basically played with Clara all day and fed her when she needed it, along with the diaper changes. It was easy, I love kids. I saw Chandler walk over, he groaned once he realize I had Clara in my arms." So, how was your day?" I asked, he obviously was working with Charlotte all day." Long, tiring, filled with crying." He listed. I laughed," We had fun, we played all day and had dino chicken nuggets and apple juice for lunch. I saved you some if your hungry." I tolled him. Daddy walked over and handed me Charlotte as Clara jumped at him." Baby switch, Chandler, your needed on set in thirty." He said." Trista, Robert talked with me, I'm okay with you working here, and you'll be getting paid to babysit the twins everyday. It's twenty dollars an hour per kid." He said before walking off. The same lady walked over and took Charlotte that had this morning." Charlotte's got an appointment, I'll be back for Clara, bye now." She said and ran off with Charlotte. Well okay then." Well, we're alone, and you look hot." I tolled Chan." Thank you, baby." He said fanning him self. I grabbed a napkin, poured some of my water on it, squeezed almost all of the water out, and handed it to Chan." That might help." I tolled him before kissing his cheek. I also handed him my water." You don't mind drinking after me?" He asked surprised, I shook my head." Nope, you might be covered in fake sweat and dirt, but I don't care." I tolled him. The Georgia heat is obviously getting to him." It's only 2:30 and I'm already about to melt." Chan panted. I giggle as I realize that I'm barely sweating, then again I did have a change of clothes in the car I changed into earlier. I'm now wearing black denim booty shorts, a white tank top, a white hippy shirt, and brown sandals. I have my hair in a ponytail." Trista, I love you, how did I get so lucky?" Chan asked, how random yet sweet." I love you too, Chandler, and your not the lucky one, I am. Your perfect, never done anything to hurt anyone." I answer back." I don't feel like arguing, how about we go find some of the other cast for you to meet?" He asks, I nod, grab two waters from the ice chest, and we walk off. We find Sonequa (Sasha), Michael (Abraham), and Josh (Eugene). I'm not as shy this time because they don't stare." Hey." Chandler starts." I'm introducing my girlfriend and Andy's daughter around today, this is Trista." I wave, that is until I feel myself being wrapped in a hug." Oh my god, I never thought I'd see you again!" I heard the very familiar voice of Michael." It's nice seeing you again, Michael." I said. I hugged back and he let me go." I forgot you guys met." Chan said. I nodded with a giggle before turning back to the others." As Chandler said a second ago, I'm Trista, Andrew's daughter and his girlfriend." I said with a wave." I'm Sonequa." She said," I'm Josh." He said. We waved and went to set as they were being called, Chan was called to set also," Do you wanna watch?" He asked I nodded. We went to walk away, but Robert flagged us down." Trista, instead of being a babysitter, what about a character? Sorry to put you on the spot, but an actress quite and she was supposed to start today." He asked. I nodded with a smile," Can I try out the lines?" I ask. Robert handed me the script." Page one, paragraph six." He states, I nod and begin.

Character mode, Ava Lane

I sit there crying as I stare at the rotten corpse of my best friend lay there, dead. I found her as one of those things not to long ago, so I shot her down. I stand up with my gun and continue walking." Put down the weapon and turn around." I heard a voice demand. I turn to see a boy my age, I'd recognize him anywhere." Carl Grimes? Of all people, I'd expect you to recognize your old classmate." I started, he'd soon realize who I am in time." I don't know you." I know something that will make him remember." Bug juice..." I started." Pudding..." he finished, he dropped his gun and ran over to me picking me up and spinning me around." Ava!" He laughed, I giggled and hugged him." I'm here, it's me." I giggled." Where's your group?" He asked, my smile faded." It was just me and Mia, she was bitten by the corpses and I put her down." I tolled him, in school it was always just Carl, Mia, and I. He was my best friend, and Mia was just an annoying tag along at the time. I felt him wipe away a tear," It's okay, come stay with us, I've got someone I'd like you to meet anyways." I smiled, he picked up his gun, and we walked towards his group.

Normal POV, Trista's POV

I felt arms wrap around me as someone spun me around." YOU GOT THE PART, that was amazing!" Robert yelled. I laughed and squealed in excitement." I'm an actress, I finally did it, I'm an actress." I laughed.

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