Chapter 11: The Flight

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Chapter 11: The flight

I know the flight's only fifty two minutes, but when your scared five minutes feels like an hour. Anything above seven and a half feet scares me. As we bored the plane I started to get nervous, no I'm not scared of plane's just heights. I put my carry on above the seats, I look down to see that this is one of those weird planes that has two seats instead of three. Oh crap, how am I gonna do this?" Umm, how's this gonna work?" I ask." I was going to let you and Chandler sit together while I sat behind you guys." Daddy tolled me, I nodded." Okay." I bet your wondering, what about the balcony scene from earlier? I don't know why, but I felt safe, like Chan could protect me from anything." Are you going to sit down?" I heard Chan ask," You can sit by the window." I tolled him. He just shrugged and slid in. I took my seat next to him and closed my eyes." This is going to be a long flight..." I muttered, I heard a small laugh," And why's that, babe?" Chan asked," Scared of heights, well, falling from heights. I guess you could say I'm paranoid." I responded. I felt an arm go around my shoulders and a hand grab mine. I open my eyes to see that it wasn't Chandler like I expected, it was the jerk I call my ex boyfriend," What do you want, jerk?" I ask," You." He tells me. I jerk away and lean towards my boyfriend," Not a chance in the world, I'm here with my new boyfriend and my new family. I don't like you anymore." I tell him, he smirks," Feisty, I like it." He tells me pulling me up and kissing me. I push him off and slap him." GET YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF OF ME!" I scream at him. He tries to grab my arms but I turn around and push him to the ground as I sit back in my seat. I know everyone is starring at me in shock, but do I care? Not one bit." What was that about?" Chan asks in a shaky voice," It was nothing, my perverted ex boyfriend wanted me back after he cheated on me, broke up with me a week before our one month anniversary, asked me for nudes on what was supposed to be our one month anniversary, stood me up at the school dance, dated one of my best friends, and called me asking for sex with me and my best friend." I ranted." You hate him don't you?" I nodded," Chandler, what I'm about to tell you is all in the past, no need to worry about it now. I loved him when we were together, I was blinded by love, but once I got over him I slowly started to hate him because I realized who he really was. Once he started to date one of my friends I really hated him. I still do, he broke my heart so many times I wanted nothing to do with him." I yet again ranted. I pulled my feet up and leaned up against Chandler as he put his arm around me I had my head on his shoulder as his was on my head." Hey, Chan, I love you." I whispered," And I love you, Tia." He whispered back. I closed my eyes in hope to fall asleep before the plane took off. I felt someone tap my shoulder, I open my eyes to see an angry flight attendant." We have a report saying that you beat one of the other passengers." I sigh and stand up." I didn't beat anyone. My ex boyfriend walked over wrapped his arms around me and grabbed my hand, I jerked away from him, I leaned towards my boyfriend, my ex pulled me out of my seat till there was no room between us and kissed me, I jerked away yet again, he tried to grab me and I pushed him. That's all that happened, if anything I should be the one reporting something. If you don't believe me, check the cameras." I tolled her," It's true." Chandler pipped in. I heard someone snore, then snort, what sounded like a snort crossed with a squeal, and then snore again. I look over to see my dad asleep again, my god he's weird. The flight attendant walked off for a few minutes, when she came back she didn't look happy." Alright, I'm sorry for your inconvenience, would you like to follow me to help identify the boy and see him off the plane?" She asked, I nodded." One sec." I turned around and kissed Chan's cheek." Be right back, Chan." I tolled him before following the flight attendant. We find him in the back with an ice pack on his head sitting in the back." What is wrong with you, Luke? Don't you know when to leave people alone or is torturing them just your specialty?" I ask." Little of both, but tell me you didn't it enjoy it? I know you'd be lying." He smirks, I look over to the flight attendant. My eyes say it all, I'm asking to slap that smirk off his face. She just nods, so I do. I slap him as hard as I can, but since I barely weigh eighty-five while he weighs at least 115 doesn't do much." Listen, kid, there's video footage proof that she didn't hit you earlier, but there is video proof of you sexually harassing her. That kind of behavior is not except able on this Plane. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She demands." Nope." Luke says." I am not asking you this time, leave." I read her name tag, Mia." Not happening." Luke then smirks, he's trying to get on her nerves." Can we just drag him off the plane?" I whisper ask her. She nods," I'll grab his right arm, you grab his left, deal?" I ask holding my hand out. Mia grabs my hand and shakes it." Deal." Mia answers. I don't know how Luke didn't notice the deal, but he didn't. I slip in the isle he was on and Mia stands beside him. We nod at the same time and grab his arms. We quickly drag him off the plane and in the waiting area. As soon as we get back on the plane we start screaming for them to close the door. When I made it back to my seat Chan was passed out. I buckled him up before I buckled my self up. I decided to just try and sleep the whole way there to. I somehow sleep through the whole thing, nothing happened.

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