Chapter 18: Messes

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Chapter 18: Messes

Daddy had an interview to go to, so he left Chan, AJ, and I at home." I'm bored..." I groaned rolling over on to Chan." Wanna play truth or dare?" Chan asked," Sure, let's ask AJ if she wants to play, hold on, let me get her attention. TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES!" I scream getting off of Chandler," WHERE?!" She yelled as she literally dove down the stairs and landed on the couch." Nowhere, I just needed your attention, wanna play truth or dare?" I asked." Sure, oh and NEVER JOKE ABOUT TURTLES!" She screeched hitting me over the head. I then slapped her. She slapped me, I slapped her. This went on for ten minutes, Chan ended up falling over in laughter crushing me." Hey, gamer boy, get off I can't breath." I wheezed. He got off and I started the game," Hey, AJ, truth or dare." She thought," Dare." I gave a devilish smile," I dare you to eat a Tia special."" Okay...?"" We'll be back." I grabbed Chan's wrist and drug him into the kitchen." You get the pickles, mustard, baloney, and jelly, I'll get the bread, peanut butter, and sprinkles." We got what we needed and I made the sandwich. I even bought some TMNT flags just for her a few days ago, I put one on it. I called her in, she eyed the sandwich," You have to eat it all or I'll make you run down the street in your undergarments." I tolled her, she plucked the flag off and shoved half of it in her mouth, then the other half. I gave her a bottle of root beer to wash it down." Done, by the way, that tasted horrible." She tolled me," I know, you only make that mistake once." Chan shuddered. As they began talking I snuck off into the never ending pantry. I found what I was looking for, a giant basket of candy. Normally I'm not a big sweet eater, but I'm craving it today. I grabbed a handful of Reese's, a bag of starburst, and six ring pops. I quickly ate the Reese's, and started on the starburst. I'm sure I was sitting there for an hour just eating candy. Right now I'm sucking on the second ring pop. And it's gone, might as well start on the third.

I've just finished the ring pops, it took me thirty minutes. I grab my phone and blare my music on the speakers. I started singing along with the lyrics," I'm going through the same day, same place, the same way I always do. Then I saw you from the corner of my eye and it hit me like a ton of bricks, oh I can't lie. You got to me. My life was alright living in black and white, but you changed my point if view." And then AJ joined in," Show me your colors, show me your colors. With out you I'm blue, with out you I'm blue. Hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me. I just wanna feel alive and I do when I'm with you. Hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me. I just wanna feel alive and I do when I'm with you. Show me your colors, show me your colors. Save me, save me, save me. I have to have control of myself, my thoughts, my mind. The way it's going down I feel like a prisoner in a light. Are you feeling me? Cause the way you make my, shake my, break my walls around I feel like I'm breaking out. Show me your colors, show me your colors, cause with out you I'm blue, with out you I'm blue. Hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me. I just wanna feel alive, and I do when I'm with you. Hurry up and save me, hurry up and d've me, hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me. I just wanna feel alive, and I do when in with you. Tonight my windows opened up and I'm crawling out, will you be there? Are you waiting? Will you be there? Will you save me? Save me, save me, save me. So just save me. Save me, save me, save me. So just save me. You can save me. I know you can save me, I know you can save me. So just save me. So just, so just save me. With out you I'm blue. Hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me. I just wanna feel alive and I do when I'm with you. Hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me, hurry up ad save me, hurry up and save me. I just wanna feel alive and I do when I'm with you. Hurry up as save me, hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me. I just wanna feel alive and I do when I'm with you. Save you, save me, save you, save me. I just wanna feel alive, and I do when I'm with you. Save me, save me, save me, save me, save me..." and then the music stopped, so AJ and I stopped. I looked over at Chan, he was rubbing his temples and grumbling about something." What's wrong, Chan?" I asked. He sighed and looked at me," I wasn't exactly expecting to have to babysit today..." he shifted," Oh, do Clara and Charlotte need a babysitter?" I asked." Umm, no..." he looked really uncomfortable." Isn't Grayson old enough to watch himself?" He's really confusing me." Umm, baby, please don't be mad at me..." he said backing up," YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT ME?!" I scream/asked him. He nodded, I knew my eyes were red." The only reason I'm acting this way is because I'm on a sugar high!" I yelled. I felt the tears well up, I can't believe he thinks that I'm to immature to watch after myself." You know what, Chandler?" I asked him, the water works are flowing." What...?" He asked cautiously," If you think that I'm so immature that I need a babysitter than I guess I'm to immature for a relationship. We are OVER." I yelled," No... please, baby, don't do this." He begged, I just shook my head and let the tears flow." Don't call me that anymore." I whispered. I turned away and then I heard the door open." Good bye, ba-Trista." I heard Chandler say before leaving. I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and just let the tears fall. AJ just stood there watching, not knowing what to do. I turned around, straightened up, and ran to my room. I shut the door and fell on my bed and just cried. After a few hours I stopped crying, I was playing games on my phone when someone called me. I didn't check the caller I.D., I just answered it." Hey, babe, wanna meet up? Trista dumped me a few hours ago." It was Chandler." THIS IS TRISTA! You were cheating on me?" I yelled/asked him." Trista... I'm so sorry..." I held back a cry," Chandler, go on YouTube and search up 'Take a Bow' by Rihanna. Watch the music video, call me back when your done." I tell him.(A/N: It'll make more sense if you watch the music video and then finish the story.) " O-oh kay." He says before he hangs up. I few minutes later he calls me back," That's how I feel, Chandler." I admit, he really did make me feel that way." I didn't mean to, Tia, I really do love you." He practically begs." Like the song goes,'You put on quite a show, you really had me going.'" I tell him with a quivering voice." Bye, Chandler, I'll see you at work." I finish before hanging up. My eyes are flooding with tears. If he doesn't love me anymore than there's nothing worth living for. AJ has plenty of friends, she can find a new best friend. The show can find a new actress, they haven't aired any of the episodes I've been in yet. I climb out of bed and search for my old friend. I find it under my jeans in my dresser. I grab it and head to the bathroom with a pencil and paper. I sit on the toilet and begin the note.

Dear whoever found me,

I'm sorry you found me like this, I just couldn't handle this. Please tell Chandler that I still love him and that him cheating on me and him saying I'm immature is forgiven. Please tell Annika that she'll always be my best friend and that I love her like a sister. Please tell daddy that I love him and thank him for everything for me.

Forever in God's hands,

Trista Lincoln

I put the not on the sink an picked up my old friend. I took it out of the casing and looked at it's shiny form. I put it vertically on my wrist. After all across the sea away from the tide, vertically out to sea. I pressed down and brought it towards me. I did it again and again, my arm was turning crimson. I smiled at my handy work. I sat down ad waited for God's angels to bring me home. I quickly started to feel dizzy, and then nausea hit me like a truck. I sat next to the toilet, opened it, and puked my guts out. I stopped after a few minutes. Slowly everything started turning into a haze and then black...

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