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TW: Death,Meantions of suicide

He left, He left, i told him we were gonna have a baby and he left, does he not love me, am i not enough for him, he promise that he loved me, he promised he will be there but he left, he took a piece of my heart and threw it across the floor.He promised, he promised, shit.

"Why does it have to be like this, the baby is going to be without a father now, because of how you left us, You made me cry, you made me smile, you took my heart from the first time we meet, and now you pretend it's like nothing happened,what do i do now?

I can't pretend you were nothing to me, because you were the best part of me, i- what do i tell our child when she asks about daddy. God please come back, i need you, i've never needed something more in my life, your all i had left all i loved, please, please.

You can't just leave me broken and bitter like this, you were my everything, my life, my reason to live, God i don't know what to do without you anymore, I should have never let you go, you should be here with us with our daughter and me, not away why did you leave, goddammit i can't do this without you, is it so hard to understand.

I need you, I- I love you, come back, come back to us, why did you have to leave, why did you have to run away from us. If we were your everything then why did you leave, i god i need you, you were my other half, my right hand, my love, the day you left us was the worst day of my life.

Seeing you run out of the house, broke my heart and now, now we cant reset your gone, and you did not even say goodbye,fuck you cant be gone. No, no please no, when it hit me that you were gone it was the worst feeling ever.

Our baby-, she won't grow up with you anymore,because of your selfish act, because you left her.You left us, you made me cry you made me pray,i count feel like myself, i was almost gone, thanks to you, and now, now i don't know how much longer i can.

I don't know how much longer i will stay, you broke me, i was fine until you left and took everything i had left with you, am i nothing to you? Do you give 2 shits.

You left me torn, you took my heart off my chest and played with it, hurt me in no other way anyone has ever had. You good i can't even say your name without breaking down, why because i still love you.

You don't love me anymore, you didn't need me, was it a game to you. Was it nothing to you?

I told you I needed you, and you repeated it but now, I don't even know what to say anymore. I feel broken, hurt, numb,nothing can help anymore, not even the show we used to watch when we were bored can help.

Or the dogs, they just make me cry more, of all the memories we had together, the day we bought them, the day we took them home, how you smiled when we made a decision to buy a new one.

You told me you would be with me throughout all of the new ups and down, all the bumps in the road, you were going to teach me how to drive, I remember the day that i was feeling like i was nothing you brought me my favorite movie and ice cream". She was stopped by a sob escaping her lips.

"Why , why god. You said forever, and now forever seemes so far away from today, it seemes like it will never come.

Now- i cant even take care of our baby anymore, i- god i don't know how much i can do without you, you were everything to me, you promised me you would stop, but you betrayed me you went behind my back and now i don't even know what to think, you hurt me, you broke me, destroyed me.

You, your name makes my heart hurt, it makes me cry, it makes me break down and not know when i would get up again.

Come back, that's all i ask from you, could you do this for me, please bubba i- i need you our baby needs you, your family, everything needs you."

She fell to the ground sobs escaping her lips, she felt numb, broken, without a purpose, its true the day he left, god she would never forget that dreadful day, how he just ran away from her in a matter of minutes.

She lightly grabbed the flowers next to her on the floor and addressed them lightly next to his grave as tears soaked her dress and the flowers.Everything around her felt dark, she felt numb, he vision was blurry and her eyes were soaked with tears, sobs escaping her lips. She did no effort in trying to stop them.

"I love you, and thank you for the best years of my life, god i don't know what i'll do without you"

They pulled her away from all she used to know, she screamed, she yelled, she wasn't ready to let go all she ever wanted.

His death was the hardest thing for her, and she never had a full smile on her face after that.


Anthony Ramos Martinez


Death cause:Suicide 

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