Chapter 15

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"I propose an alliance

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"I propose an alliance."

Alena glanced sideways at the black haired guy who had suggested that proposal. She didn't think he had any ulterior motives, but she still wouldn't allow herself to fully trust him. She'd learned the hard way that trust could be betrayed on a whim.

She glanced at Archer, her... Servant, as he called himself. He was walking beside her, and while his gaze was focused on the snowy path through the woods ahead, she knew he was wary of Saber. One look at that golden armor wearing guy told Alena that he was something of a coward. Yet she still remembered that he almost cut her head off, so she couldn't let herself be fooled.

"There is another reason I agreed to this alliance," Alena thought, careful to block her thoughts from Archer. She knew they could communicate through their minds, but she didn't really know if he could read her thoughts like an open book. So she hoped that ignoring the slight tingling sensation she could feel when talking to Archer via telepathy was what allowed her inner thoughts to remain on the inside of her skull. 

"For some reason," she rubbed her arm unconsciously. "I feel like Archer hasn't told me everything about this Holy Grail War. Or maybe he can't. But maybe Ryan could enlighten me."

She glanced up through the trees. The sun would be setting soon. 

"We're stopping for the night," she said as she halted.

"What?" Ryan glanced up at the sky. "But we still got plenty of light left."

Alena rolled her eyes. "My rules, remember? Besides, I need to hunt for food. Unless you'd rather go to bed hungry?" She turned her back on him, hand reaching behind her, only for her to curse. "I can't believe I forgot my bow." She looked at her servant. "It's your fault too."

Archer smiled. "You're too harsh, Master. But I guess I did want to get going back then, so here." He held out his hand, his ice bow forming in his hand. Alena studied it. "It's too big."

Archer sighed and jerked the bow around. "Eh, I guess it is. Here." Mist surrounded the bow as it shrank, becoming just the right size. He tossed it and Alena caught it, then immediately dropped it. 

"Hey!" Archer said indignantly. "You do realize that's my weapon, right?"

Saber snorted. "To think you'd relinquish your weapon in the presence of the enemy."

"As if I would need my bow to kill you," Archer sneered. "Don't insult me."

"Archer, play nice," Alena ordered as she tore a part of her fur coat to wrap around the bow's grip. "Now, do you have any arrows for me?"

He flicked his fingers towards her, an ice arrow forming in the air before falling into the snow. Alena wrapped a piece of fabric around it as well before standing with bow and arrow in hand. "Alright, you all can stay here. I don't need any of you messing up my hunt."

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