Chapter 6

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Saber gritted his teeth as he held his ground, the concrete cracking beneath his feet as he held off the servant's axe with the flat of his sword. "I'm alright, Master," Saber grinned nervously as the enemy swung his axe up and then back down, bashing Saber backwards. He stumbled, but regained his footing. "I'll fight to protect you so you can have your wish granted!" He charged forwards, thrusting the tip of his sword towards the enemy's middle. 

"You won't kill me with weak attacks like that," the servant laughed boisterously, swinging his axe around. "Show me a real battle you weakling!" He lunged forwards, slapping away Saber's swing with his axe as he landed a solid punch into Saber's chest. He flew backwards, crashing into a light pole that came crashing down, narrowly missing the enemy.

"He must be a Berserker," Ryan realized. He held out his hand. "Saber, I'll back you up!"

"No need," Saber got to his feet, running his hand through his hair as he began laughing, eyes wide and mocking. "Oh man, you really are just a muscle-headed Berserker! You think you can easily beat me! Hah, say that to my face!"

"Uh, Saber," Ryan started to grow worried. "What are you doing?"

"Now now, no need to fret dear Master," Saber flicked his hand dismissively, his smirk irritating to see. "She's got this in the bag."

"Huh?" Ryan didn't have long to question what his servant just said before a volley of arrows cascaded from above, slamming into the street around Berserker. Somehow they missed his large frame entirely.

"Hey! What was that!?" Saber yelled indignantly. "You missed! Do you realize how cool I was trying to look for that moment!?"

Berserker switched his gaze from Saber to further down the street where a figure was outlined in the darkness, standing just out of the beam of a street light. Ryan thanked the stars once more that this was an empty street on the very outskirts of town and that no one was likely to see anything here, but he was mostly wondering who this new arrival was. The figure lifted the object in their hand once more before several more arrows streaked towards Berserker. He planted his feet firmly as he swung his axe, deflecting most of the arrows, but one managed to lodge itself in his shoulder. 

"So you brought a friend to help you fight," Berserker mused, grinning widely. "Bring it on!" He ran for the figure down the street, his feet cracking the ground beneath him. 

"Ah crap," Saber began charging after him. "Master, stay close, but not too close! His Master may be somewhere near here!"

"Got it!" Ryan shouted back, running after him, making sure to stay on alert for any magical energy. 

The mysterious archer ran to meet Berserker and Ryan got a brief glimpse of her as she passed beneath a street light. He was pretty sure he saw a tail before she launched herself at Berserker, slamming a foot against his face before using it to launch herself backwards and firing off a couple arrows practically at point-blank range. Berserker stumbled back as two arrows managed to hit him in the chest, but he ripped them out quickly and swung his axe. The archer brought up her bow, slamming it against the axe to block the attack. 

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