Chapter 4

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Alena stopped to catch her breath, glancing behind her for the umpteenth time as she rested against the side of a tree

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Alena stopped to catch her breath, glancing behind her for the umpteenth time as she rested against the side of a tree. She had feared that blonde guy, Saber, Jason, whatever his name was, would come after her to lop off her head. 

She groaned, sliding down the trunk to collect her scattered thoughts. She had stumbled upon some sort of ritual and was almost killed by the guy who was summoned. Ryan, who Jason had called Master, had almost let her get killed.

"It's thanks to my fire I got out of there," she thought, letting fire crawl across her right hand. She then examined the back of her left hand. There was some sort of bruising there which Jason said signified her to be a Master. "Whatever the heck that is supposed to mean." She stood, brushing snow off her pants. She double checked her surroundings before setting off. She decided she would take a different route home this time, just in case those two were following her. 

It was nearly morning by the time she located a small cave against the mountainside, one of her many homes away from home. She held out her hand, making the flames larger so she could see the entire cave. It looked like nothing had made a home here recently, so she decided it was good enough. She settled against one corner of the cave, feeling utterly exhausted. 

"I guess nearly getting killed will do that to you," she muttered sleepily, letting herself doze off as sunlight began to creep into the cave.


Cold. So cold. No one. No one had helped. No one would. No one...




Alena no longer felt the pain as the cold had numbed her senses. She had no idea where she was now as all she could see was white through slitted eyes. However, she felt calm. A soothing presence seemed to be all around her and even the cold had lessened.

She barely felt her lips part as something was pushed in and slid down her throat. She gagged for a second before swallowing. After long moments, warmth seemed to spread through her body. She became aware that she was moving, the snow beneath her. She tried turning her head, trying to see who or what was carrying her. 

A shadow fell over her face. She tried to flinch away, but she still had little strength. Then a hand settled on her forehead. Instantly she felt calm, as if everything would be alright and that all the bad in the world could do her no harm. She tried looking again, but her eyelids felt heavy and she could only see the outline of the figure carrying her before darkness overcame her.


Alena blinked awake, seeing that the sun was starting to set outside. She rose, stretching. "I wasted a perfectly good day. Oh well, I guess-" She tensed, crouching and grabbing her bow, silently drawing an arrow from her quiver, nocking it as she aimed where a shadow had fallen across the entrance. A figure clad in animal skins ducked as they entered and Alena sighed in relief, lowering her bow. "Oh, it's just you. Been a while since our last meeting, Shaman."

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