Chapter 11

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"HAH!" Lancer yelled, thrusting his spear as he rushed forwards

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"HAH!" Lancer yelled, thrusting his spear as he rushed forwards. Archer quickly stepped to the right, grabbing the spear with one hand while pulled himself towards Lancer, swinging his leg out. With a mini shockwave, both Archer's leg and Lancer's arm collided and both servants leaped back from one another. 

Archer stepped back, only to see a blade crackling with energy zooming towards him. He flicked his hand and a pillar of ice sprung from the snow, shooting the blade upwards. Wind swirled around Archer as he blasted it in two directions. Lancer twirled his spear, slashing the wind apart as his Master braced her arms in front of her as ice fragments from the now shattered pillar slammed into her. 

Wind continued to gather around Archer, a blizzard whipping around the area. He shot forwards, charging for the enemy Master. Archer commanded the blizzard to slam into Lancer, hoping it would keep him occupied long enough. He held out his hand as he ran, several large icicles forming in the air, shooting towards her.

The enemy Master gripped both fists as they began to glow bluish green, swinging them at astonishing speeds, shattering the ice. Archer slammed a sheet of sleet into her as he kicked her in the stomach. She gasped, but recovered quickly, ducking below the next attack and slamming a fist into Archer's middle. He skidded back along the snow, instantly shooting out his left hand as the bear skin seemed to come alive, the bear's arm wrapping over his just in time to deflect Lancer's spear off its claws. The bear's other arm did the same as Archer twirled around, slashing downwards and upwards with his other set of claws, trying to attack and deflect at the same time. 

Lancer shot himself forwards into the air, swinging himself downwards at Archer, who sidestepped and ducked as Lancer swung his spear in a wide arc as he landed. He then proceeded to jab it forwards, each strike near invisible. Archer gritted his teeth as his blood sprayed the snow from the thin cuts along his side. He leaped back, firing off half a dozen huge icicles. Lancer broke through each one, his Master running low along the ground, leaping into a tree to gain momentum as she kicked off the top branch, her sword crackling with energy as she released it. Archer swung his hand out to meet it, the bear claws straining to keep the sword at bay. Archer blasted the sword away with a blizzard as he landed back on the ground. He risked a quick glance behind him. Alena was 20 feet away, eyes wide as she watched the battle unfold. 

She gripped her fist as she watched her servant charge forwards, taking on both enemies at once. He was a whirl of movements, almost like the wind itself. Claws deflected the spear and strong blasts of sleet held the woman at bay.

"What is going on?" She backed up against a tree. The events of this day had gone by so quick, hardly giving her time to process what was happening. What she did know was that she was somehow linked to Archer. Alena gasped as Archer was dealt another blow, but managed to blast both enemies back with an eruption of several spikes of ice shooting from the ground in front of him.

"He's barely holding his own," Alena realized. "If it was just one, maybe..." She tightened her fist. She had no idea what was going on still, why she should care about this Holy Grail War. All she knew was that Archer was tied to her and he was in trouble. 

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