Chapter 16

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Graham stood up after he finished making sure Kaskae's rope was secured

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Graham stood up after he finished making sure Kaskae's rope was secured. "Phew. Looks like we really made it."

"I'll say," Joseph said as he finished tying up his last dog. He came over and ruffled Kaskae's head. "You got one heck of a lead dog."

"They're an amazing team," Graham admitted. "Perfect it seems."

"C'mon," Joseph patted his friend on the shoulder. "Let's go get ourselves a drink. The day is still young."

Graham nodded and began to follow, only to stop when he heard a whine. He looked back to see Kaskae staring intently at him. The rest of the team followed suit, 16 pairs of canine eyes boring holes into him. Graham sighed, stooped to one knee, and rubbed Kaskae's head, looking at him and the rest of the team. "I'll be back. Get some rest, you all earned it."

He stood and followed the path Joseph had carved through the snow with his boots. He heard Kaskae whine behind him, but this time he ignored it. He left the caged area, sliding the bar into place behind him. The rectangular area was just one of many racers could rent out for their dogs to stay at until the race started. 

Graham rubbed his gloved hands together as he followed Joseph towards the skyscrapers in the distance. Anchorage, Alaska's largest city by far and the starting point for the Iditarod Race. The event would take place in a couple of days, so Graham and Joseph had time to relax and prepare.

"Hey, want to do our usual?" Joseph asked with a glance back.

"Wasilla?" Graham guessed. "You got the money to rent a car?"

"No need," Joseph grinned and gave a thumbs up. 

Graham groaned. "Oh please no."

A half hour later they were both sitting in the warm confines of a small, red beat-up Toyota Corolla from the 90's. The short, stout woman in her fifties at the wheel glanced at us through the rearview mirror. "It's been a while since I've seen you boys here. Racing again this year, hmm?"

"Yep," Graham said, looking out his side window, trying to ignore the "boys" comment. He sat in the back with Joseph since a Chihuahua sat in the front seat. That is, if there was a Chihuahua underneath that giant fluffy sweater.

"To think we get delegated to the back seat," Graham grumbled under his breath, low enough for only Joseph to hear.

Joseph chuckled and murmured back, "Dog people do crazy things, eh?"

Graham rolled his eyes. He had him there. Luckily Joseph kept the chat up while Graham stuck to watching the Alaskan scenery roll by as they sped down the freeway. It was sunny, a clear contrast to the sudden snowstorm that had struck him and Joseph on their way to Anchorage. Passing by snow covered hills, they hit open land covered in white. Then the first buildings appeared along the sides of the roads. They had reached Wasilla.

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