Chapter 9

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Above is the official art for the "Archer" with Ryan and Saber

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Above is the official art for the "Archer" with Ryan and Saber

"Um," Ryan blinked at the scene before him. Jason was munching on some chips he had found in the pantry and was flicking through channels on the TV in the corner. Archer was curled up in a comfy armchair almost like a cat, sipping a mug of hot chocolate.

"How are you two heroes again?" Ryan asked as he finally found his voice again.

"Relax," Jason stretched both arms as he settled on a nature channel showing a rainforest. "Between missions we should rest and relax. We learned that lesson aboard the Argo."

"So you two do know one another?" I asked Archer. "Where's your Master?"

She set down the mug as she uncurled, resting her feet on the wool carpet. "My True Name is Atalante. I have no Master."

"You... no Master?" Ryan shook his head. "Not possible. A Servant needs a Master to be in this world."

"Yes and no," she said. "Are you familiar with the traits of Servants?"

"Uh, somewhat," Ryan admitted.

"As an Archer, I have access to Independent Action, which allows me to be on my own without a Master or some other source of mana for some time if need be." Atalante formed her black bow with gold markings adorning it. "However, to use my Noble Phantasm, I'm afraid I would need a Master for such a feat."

"But how did you materialize in the first place?"

Atalante kicked the back of Jason's chair, causing him to fumble with the remote and drop it. "This good-for-nothing leader summoned me, sort of."

"Sort of?"

"Ahem, let me explain," Jason offered as he picked up the remote. "I, being the great Jason, Captain of the Argo," Atalante snorted at this and turned her head away. "I-hey, don't ridicule me! I was a great leader!"

"That was the only thing you were good at," Atalante retorted, going back to her drink.

"Anyway," Jason said, turning away from her. "Her being here is my Noble Phantasm at work. I can call forth the heroes of the Argo to aid me in battle!"

"That's..." Ryan looked for the words. "So broken!" He ran his hands through his hair in disbelief. "You are probably the weakest Saber" "Hey!" "Yet you have the most broken Noble Phantasm."

"That about sums it up," Atalante said, setting down her now empty drink. "He lets us do his dirty work while he sits back and watches. However, there is a limit."

"Yeah," Jason looked sheepish. "Calling upon the heroes of the Argo takes more magical energy the more that are summoned."

"It also depends on how righteous his situation is," Atalante added. "If not for Ryan, I would not have come."

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