Unknown Number

105 5 0

June 7th, 12:38, Ariana's POV

While I was recording some high notes  for On the Table, I saw a text pop up on my phone screen from an unknown number, I decided to check because why not

Unknown number-UB

UB- hey it's jimmy, Dalton's friend, got sum to tell u, text back when u can ofc

I thought about the last time, I trusted one of Dalton's so called friend, I ended up with a slap and getting yanked by the hair , as well as getting trapped in a fucking sauna. I knew I shouldn't but I felt this urge to text back, it was like my mind was screaming text back, you stupid bitch. But anyways I decided to text back

AG- sup

J- hey I have something to tell you


J- So a few days ago, I was Dalton at his party, our friend invited us too, he had gotten pretty gruffed up and he was drinking, a lot. I saw him enter a room with um Becka, I stood by the door a few moments and I could hear um moans. I'm not sure what he did but um thought I should share

I felt anger fuel in me, as I thought about it. This could be Becka for all I know, she is always trying to break us up, she needs to stop and get over Dalton, he's mine and will forever be mine. I felt my fingers begin to heat up as I decided to reply to this dumb ass text

AG-. Leave me the fuck alone, if you just want to break us up, just say that, Dalton is not the person to do drugs or get drunk like that, so stop spreading lies, get a fucking life JIMMY, OR ARE YOU BECKA AGAIN, you know what fuck outta here bitch

I blocked the number and rolled my eyes, I hated everyone yelling em about my relationship, I hated all the people on twitter bullying Dalton and saying this is going to be another pete situation, why wont everyone just fuck off, and mind theirs. I decided to breathe because if I didn't I would probably blow up even more. 

I decit to get back to work and move on to another song, shut up. Me and Victoria started the first verse and chorus, so I decided to do the second verse. Just as I was about to write, I heard my studio door open , I looked and saw Dalton, I smiled at him and he smiled back, he sat by me on a chair, and I saw him playing with his fingers, U asked " What's going on baby, are you ok my love?"  He looked up and I saw sadness in his eye, just as he was about to open his mouth, I decided to say " You know, tell BECKA to stop texting me, these crazy fucking rumors, can you believe she pulled the whole cheating card on me, like you're a loyal man, you would never do that," I saw his eyes widened as he nodded, and before I could say anything else, he got up and left the room. I shrugged and went back to writing. That was weird.

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