12 hours

96 6 2

Arianas POV

I closed my eyes, and took a breath of fresh air, it would be the last time. I began counting to 5, when I say 5 I jump.






Just as I was about to jump, I felt somebody lift me up, I gently wrapped my legs around their waist. I opened my eyes, and I saw Dalton. He wiped the tears that were pouring from my eyes.

" Don't ever do that again, Ariana.  You scared me." Dalton whimpered to me.I began to sob, uncontrollably. What was I thinking, maybe I am going crazy? Why would I even try that, I have fans, I have people who look up to me, I have friends, like Victoria,Tayla,and many more, I have Mom, and Frankie, even Dad.

I was awoken by my thoughts, as Dalton said " Ariana Grande Butera, the day I saw you enter that shop, I had a feeling my whole life would change, for the better. You entered my life, and came me love, good times, and laughs. I would've never thought we'd be in this situation, but we are. but if we are in this situation, I want to make sure I make it the best, and spend as much time with you as I can. I know I can be a dick sometimes, and I know I can act rude, but I never stopped loving you Ariana, you are the light in my life, You are the best person in my life, if I don't have you, I don't want to have anyone." He wiped my tears, and I know why, but our lips touched, and we began to kiss, but this one was filled with emotions and passion, it felt like we were teenagers in love, I felt the warmth spread all over my body. I don't know why but I felt Mac's presence surrounding us, I could sense that he was smiling and nodding his head. It looked like he approved of our relationship, like he knew Dalton would make me happy.

We pulled away, and we smiled at each other, staring in each other's eyes. " We can get away" Dalton exclaimed. I raised my eyes in confusion, " Call up the pilot to your private jet, we're leaving America." I squeaked in excitement, He softly put me down, and I got everything ready for us at the airport.

We drove to the airport, and I smiled knowing that we could leave, leave the drama behind us. We can start over.

As we drove, I asked " Well, where will we live?" He smirked, and replied " That's a secret" I gasped , and we both laughed. We finally arrived at the airport, and me and Dalton ducked down, and walked, we didn't want paparazzi to notice us. We went into the gates, and I saw my big private jet waiting for me. I exclaimed and spinner around, as I saw Dalton following me, laughing. We got into the plane, and I bugged Dalton to tell me where we were going.

12 hours later

We have been on the pane for 12 hours, but we finally landed, I squeaked excitedly, I was so happy to be able to live a new life, here.

Dalton closed my eyes, as we walked out the airplane, He laughed " Ariana, Welcome to Italy, my little italian.'

Traumatic LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon