Sweetner Tour

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Ariana POV

It was officially the last day of tour. I was going to miss seeing my friends almost every single day. I was goi gf to miss all my beautiful and talented dancers as well. I felt a tear stream down my face but I quickly wiped it. I knew I had my makeup on and didn't wanna ruin it. I got my mic and met all my dancers on the table, I started singing Raindrops and I couldn't help but tear up knowing this was going to be the last time.

2 hours later

We finally finished up the show and I hurried into my dressing room. I took off my makeup and changed into some sweatpants. I heard a knock on the door, so I opened it and saw my manager Scooter. I allowed him to come in and he sat on the couch, he said "Well ariana it's the end of the tour. I wanted to tell you that the next year's is your off year but of course knowing you , I know you will make a few songs but I wanted to say I'm proud of you and yeah." I nodded and hugged him, he quickly left and so then I called my best friend Victoria

V-Victoria A-Ari

V- wassup ari

A-um nothing much, the tour just ended so I'm bored and want to hang out

v-maybe tomorrow we can go and get something to eat with tayla

A-yeah um at 12 maybe

V- oh wait I wanted to get a tattoo at this place in la at 12

A- I can come with you and get a tattoo in remembrance of sweetener

V- ok I will pick you up 11

She hung up and I got everything I needed and got in my car. I drove to my house and got inside. I sighed as I got in the shower. I couldn't help but think how alone I was in the house, I hadn't dated anyone since pete. I felt like my body was all cold and I just wanted someone to come and make it warm. I started to sob as I sat down in the bathtub. I missed mac so much and I knew I wasn't fully healed. I thought " Maybe I should work on healing, maybe I should wait on the relationship stuff." I finished my shower and changed into some comfy clothes, I replied to some fans on twitter and suddenly I felt my eyes blink shit leaving me drifting off to sleep.

Anyways yay 430 words, this was kinda short I know by things will get better as we go on, I will write my next chap tomorrow , also y'all want smut?

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