Carnivores Don't Like Presents

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Valentine's Day Special

The chime of the doorbell echoed through Hibari's house. His eyes snapped open in an instant, his sleepy eyes twitched in annoyance.

"What kind of stupid herbivore would be stupid enough to interrupt my sleep?" Hibari grumbled.

Swinging the front door open with a grumpy frown he glared ferociously at whoever dared interrupted his sleep so early in the morning.

...he was greeted by a grinning you. To mark the special occasion you had worn a checked bright red dress with a sweetheart neckline and a bow in your hair to complete the look.

Oh right. This kind of stupid herbivore. Although red looked better on you than he expected (though nowhere near as good as purple) not that he'd ever tell you.

"Kyoya~ Happy Valentine's Day!!"

" woke me up just to say that?"

You pouted. "Yes! And you should stay awake because- hey! Where are you going?!" You gaped as Hibari blatantly ignored you and started walking back to his room.

"H-Hey! That's mean..."

Hibari smirked and he paused at the doorway.

"Whoever said I was nice, herbivore."

He then proceeded to slide the shoji screen shut.


"...Perhaps I should have warned (L/N)-san of Kyo-san's morning temper...?" Kysakabe sweatdropped.

"I think it's a little late for that now. "

"Not to worry, Kyo-san's shoji screen doesn't have a lock so you should be able to open it right up." Kusakabe replied brushing you off. " didn't need a lock, no one in their right of mind would ever willingly ever Kyo-san's room without permission anyways." Kusakabe added under his breath.

"Well then Kusakabe, wish me luck."

And with that you slid open the door and walked in.

Only to find Hibari sound asleep.

"Well that was quick."

Reaching down to brush a stray lock of raven hair out of his face, Hibari's hand shot up to catch your wrist. His eyes remain shut and muttered "What do you think you're doing herbivore? "

"I'm just-"

"Shut up"

"Why are you so pissy today? I was just trying to brush some hair out of your face. Geez. What?  Are you on your man period or something? "

He opened his steely eyes lazily glare at you before roughly pulling your wrist towards him.


You lost balance and ended up spawled on top of him, his face millimeters from your own. Pulling you into his chest he rested his chin on top of your head and slipped a protective arm around your waist. Pulling the futon covers over you both he murmured huskily, his voice low and drowsy with sleep.

"Shut up and sleep wiyh me herbivore."

Your face lit up brighter than the red dress you were wearing and you squirmed uncomfortably only to have him tighten his grasp.

"... isn't this what you expected when you wore that ribbon?"


"It means that this valentine's day you're my present. "

"What?! Says who!?"

"Says me." Hibari's warm breath tickled your face.


And that is how you spent your second Valentine's Day together. Sleeping in each others arms until the sunset.

~Extended Ending~


(Hibari Kyoya x Reader) Loving a Herbivore.Where stories live. Discover now