Carnivores Don't Babysit.

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UWAAAAAAH IT'S BEEN SO LONG- IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING AND I REALLY HOPE YOU CONTINUE TO STICK TO THIS STORY... I FEEEL BADDDDDDDDD ;n; please don't kill author-chan..... Anyways here's some well deserved Hibari Luff for you all and I hope you continue to read my story as it is far from finished and I just too busy with school-

~Hibari's POV~

"Good Afternoon Mr and Mrs L/N" I bowed respectfully.

Name stared at me gaping like a fish...What. Just because I'm a carnivore doesn't mean I don't know how to show some respect when I need to.

"He's just here to help me clean do my chores! It's not like we were- I mean we're not I-He-" Name stammered and flushed like a tomato. I pulled her closer to me and inwardly smirked.

"Mr and Mrs L/N I would like permission to court your daughter." I stared them both straight in the eyes.


"K-KYOYA!" Name whispered loudly pulling my arm off her frantically.

"O-okaa-san, otou-san... This is Hibari Kyoya my...boyfriend- Kyoya this is Okaa-San and Otou-San...." She stared at her parents blank stares and looked around nervously.

Suddenly her mother burst out laughing and I caught a hint of a smile upon her dads face. Some unknown feeling welled up in me. Was it... Relief?

"Darling! Why didn't you tell me you had such a strong handsome boyfriend earlier! Okaa-San would have brought him some souvenirs!"

Name let out a sigh of relief and entwined her fingers with mine.

"Really. Okaa-San was worried you would never get a boyfriend and stay alone for the rest of your life! Right dear?"

"Haha! Come son let me show you some photos of Name when she was a baby. I even have some of her most embarrassing-"

"OTOU-SAN! You said you would never bring those up again!"

I turned to her and smirked "I would thoroughly enjoy looking at those Mr L/N-San." She gave me a disbelieving look.

"Just call me Otou-San. Welcome to the family son!"

This must be what it feels like to have a family.


I was patrolling school grounds to make sure those herbivores weren't disturbing Nami-Chuus peace when the annoying broccoli herbivore ran in front of me crying. The purple bazooka came flying towards me and I whacked it with my tonfa, glaring at the snotty brocoli herbivore "watch where you throw things herbivore or I'll bite you to dea-" before a could finish my sentence the bazooka hopped around with electricity and a cloud of purple smoke appeared (again). Through the cloud I made out sounds of sniffling and sobs. Somehow the sounds stirred something inside of me. Why?

As the cloud dispersed I saw a small herbivore sitting on the ground crying, rubbing her swollen eyes and instantly my heart wrenched. The moment she looked up I nearly dropped my tonfas.

...she had my eyes.


I stared at the little herbivore now latched onto my leg (and thanked god no one was around. That would've ruined my reputation forever) in disbelief and asked in a low voice-

"Tou- what?"

"You're my Papa! Hibari Kyoya!" She grinned happily forgetting all about her tears.

This time I did drop my tonfas.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Name POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wondered where Kyoya went as I wondered down the deserted hallways searching for him.

Down the hallway I heard a small girls voice, she sounded really young and her voice was somewhat nostalgic...

When I finally reached it I almost had a heart attack.

....a little girl was clinging onto Kyoya. And he made no move whatsoever to stop her...

"Somebody help me the world is ending." I murmured loud enough to catch the little girls attention.

"KAA-CHAN!!!!" The little girl shouted and ran towards me.

It took me a moment to process...kaa-chan...kaaa-chan.........

Did that little girl just call me...her MOTHER?!

I looked Kyoya in the eye and then I fainted.

~extended ending~

"Tou-san, Is kaa-chan okay?" She poked Name's cheeks.

Ruffling her hair affectionately (well as affectionate as Hibari could be anyways) Hibari smirked.

"Don't worry, kaa-san is just wondering how you where...born." (If you know what I mean~ *hint hint* *nudge nudge*

"How was I born?"

"Well when a carnivore and a herbivore love each other very much..." Hibari hesitated "the tuna fish brings the baby"

He nodded. Yes that was definitely what happened.

Extended extended ending!!

Meanwhile a certain tsuna-fish sneezed and wondered who was talking about him.


If you enjoyed it please please please leave me a comment! I know I haven't updated in a while so maybe your comments will help me write more!

(Hibari Kyoya x Reader) Loving a Herbivore.Where stories live. Discover now