The Carnivore's Birthday (Hibari X Reader Birthday Special~)

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Aaaaah~ Tanjoubi Ommedetou Kyoya~ <3 Aishiteru <3 I hope you have a wonderful birthday and to become the strongest happiest coolest most amazing carnivore in the world (but you already are, for me at least) I posted this at 12 Midnight exactly so you better appreciate it. Anyways happy birthday my beautiful Hibari and I love you very very very very much.


Hibari POV

I woke up feeling slightly better than usual. Perhaps it was the fact you were wrapped securly in my arms breathing quietly, delicate hands clutching my shirt. Or perhaps it was the fact it was my birthday. I absentmindedly twisted your strands of hair around my fingertips. I found myself wanting to wake your up just so I can spend every waking moment with you on my birthday. Since when did a carnivore like me become such cheesy herbivore.

"Love changes people Kyo-san" Did I say that out loud? More importantly who would disturb me so early in the morning. Do they want to be bitten to death?

" I don't love her. I just- Kusakabe... do you want to be bitten to death?" Impossible. Carnivores don't love. Especially not herbivores. She was just... more... tolerable. Right?

"Hm... Are you sure. Everything you've done so far tells me you do..." So the last sentence was a lie. I may have a slight affecti-soft spot for this herbivore. But it wasnt love.

Did I? Did I the Namimori Demon love this herbivore? i felt my heart start to race and my cheeks felt hot.

I glared at Kusakabe trying to murder him with my eyes. "Get out Kusakabe."

I heard laughter and I knew he saw right through me. I buried my face in the crook of your neck and inhaled your comforting scent. You wrinkled your nose. I found it impossible to resist so I pressed my lips to yours in a soft good morning kiss.

"Mmm...Kyoya. What are you doing?"

"Do you know what day it is, herbivore?"

Name POV

"No... it's just another normal day...Ah! I remember today is the day you and Tsuna have a urgent meeting with another... familia. he told me the other day!" I quickly added. I was still rather uncomfortable with the idea of the mafia but it was the only excuse I could come up with right now.

He sent a glare my way but I could see a hint of hurt in his eyes and there was a frown on his face. It hurt me to see him this was but I wanted it to be a surprise. I hope kyoya isn't too mad at me...

"Is that so? I'll be on my way then. Have a nice day without me herbivore." He snapped. I flinched but let him go. The door slammed. I guess I deserved that even if I was only pretending...

"Tsuna-fish! He's on his way! I told him you have a meeting with aother familia! Please stall him. I beg you and can you tell everyone to come over to my house?"

"HIEEEE! WHY me... I'm sorry Name-chan but Hibari-san is so scar-ITAII!"

"Tsuna will do it." Reborn interrupted. There was muffled yelling in the background and you smiled gratefully. "Thanks Tsuna! Thanks Reborn!"

~timeskip brought to you by hibird sing happy birthday to hibari~

You heard the door click. Everyone hid. The room was dark and filled with anticipation.

"Stupid herbivore. Not even remembering my birthday. And then has the nerve to ask me to come ov-" hibari grumbled still sulking with a sheepish Tsuna trailing a few meters away from him.


He was greeted with streamers in his face and decorations all over the room. He felt the urge to explode but he suppressed it instead opting for a twitch.

"Name...what are these herbivores doing here. I hate crowds." He glared at them "get out. before i bite you all to death." He said bluntly.

Gokudera scoffed "gladly were only here because Name is my friend and Juudaime told me so anyways" but never the less before he could fully clear the door, gokudera tossed a small badly wrapped box at hibari's head.

Hibari caught it and instead opted to scowl at Dino. "Why are you still here, Haneuma? (Horse)"

"Awww... Kyoya I flew all the way from Italy just for you and this is how you treat me? I'm hurt..." But he grinned and left winking and mouthing to you that Kyoya just didn't want them to interrupt his "alone time" with you.

The rest of the guys just filed out awkwardly half expecting this to happen anyways but each left their own small gift for solitary (not so much anymore now that he had you) cloud guardian.

Kyoya glared at you (albeit slightly less than the others if you squinted really hard and tilted your head a little) "is this why you sent me on a pointless "mission" all day?

You looked down a little sad Kyoya hadn't liked it "yes... But I even baked you a cake. That looked like hibird. And cooked you hamburgers. And knitted a scarf."

Kyoya s eyes softened and hesitantly reached out a hand to draw you into his chest.

"Silly herbivore... When did I say I wanted all of that. Do you know what I really wanted this morning?" He whispered quietly.


"To spend the day with my little herbivore without anyone to disturb me."

"But then it's not special. And the anniversary of the day you were born is definitely special"

"Stupid herbivore. Why would I need special when I have you." He pulled you closer and rested his chin on your head.

"But since you spent all day making me that cake. I'll have a bite. Just one though. I don't like sweet things."

You laughed. "Okay"

~maybe to others Kyoya was a cold heartless carnivore, but it was moments like these that he would only show to you that we're what made your love for him extra special and you could only hope it was the same for him~


"Ah! Kyoya! Is that- my scarf!?"

"Shut up. It's cold today and I had nothing else to wear."


Happy Birthday~ I love hibari please wish him a happy birthday and tell me what you think about it in the comments~ <3

(Hibari Kyoya x Reader) Loving a Herbivore.Where stories live. Discover now