Carnivore's Q&A

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Hibari Q&A

From tsunderesama- What were your thoughts of Name when you first met her?

Hibari- Hn. At first she was just another herbivore, but she was an intriguing herbivore. I’d never met a herbivore so excited to see me, or try to become “friends” with me. I thought she was annoying and I always wanted to bite her to death but for some reason I couldn’t. It frustrated me to no end. But she’s my herbivore now and no one else can have her.

From VespaHellway- Where did Sakura get those tonfas and how does she know how to use them?

Hibari- I taught her of course. She is definitely going to become a carnivore. I’ll make sure of it. As for where she got them from… well who knows- wherever I get mine from, herbivore. *smirks* I hope the adult carnivore makes her strong.

From Akann153- What are your first thoughts on Sakura and whose personality do you think she will have yours or (Name)’s?

Hibari- Hn what is up with you herbivores and first impressions. When I first saw the little omnivore I felt shocked at the resemblance but I am proud of how strong and cu-non herbivorous she is. She’d better grow up to become  carnivore like me…although now that I think about it I guess another (Name) running around won’t be too bad. *smirks*

From GoldLine- Do you want to have any more children in the future and who do you think Sakura loves more you or (Name)?

Hibari- Oh I definitely plan on having more baby omnivores with (Name). That is something I definitely wouldn’t mind doi-*gets hit by a blushing (Name)*. Obviously the omnivore loves me more. I make a much better father than (Name), so naturally the omnivore would love me more.

(Name)- Shut up! That’s why I’m a mother not a FATHER! And Sakura does not love you more you arrogant selfish carnivo-mph! *gets shut up by a kiss*

Sakura- ewww…. Okaa-chan and tou-san are eating each other’s faces!

Tsuna- HIEEEE! Don’t look Sakura-chan! I’ll protect your innocence with my dying will!!

From DarknessUnderaMask- Would you rather have a boy for a child and how much do you love Sakura?

Hibari- I don’t think I have to bother with switching my omnivore for a male omnivore. I can always just make another with (Name). And I definitely love my omnivore-*stares at (Name) with a smirk* much more than that herbivore over there.

(Name)- Hey! That’s not what you were telling me last-*gets bitten*

~~~~~~Well did you enjoy that my kawaii readers?~~~~~~~~~~~~

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