Carnivores Don't Go To Amusement Parks

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Carnivores Don't Go To Amusement Parks

"Konnichiwa! I'm Hibari Sakura!!"


"Why does this always happen to me-" you sighed as a crowd formed around you in the classroom. Gokudera smirked "Oi, Look Name brought her daughter to school." He yelled loudly. You death glared at him and flipped him off as he laughed at you.

" way those eyes..."

"That h-hair..."

"...Name-chan is that Hibari-san's?!"

"Woah how did that happen so quickly?"

"...did giving birth hurt?"

Everyone was gaping as they fired questions at you. You facepalmed.

How were you going to explain this without telling them about the Ten Year Bazooka?

"Clearly if you use your tiny brains and some LOGIC you would know I couldn't have given birth in such a short time. And don't listen to that white haired ojii- san over there, he's an idiot. This is Kyoya's COUSIN. Dumbasses."

"What did you call me, woman?! My hair is SILVER not white!"

Luckily sakura was smart enough to not say anything.

As much as you loved your little bundle of happiness she was very high maintenance. And sadly did not take on her fathers love of naps mean you (and sometimes Hibari) usually entertained long into the hours of the night.

Today you were a little too tired to deal with this. Suddenly something was shoved in your face "what now-" you groaned.

"Do you want to go or not herbivore?" Hibari stared down at you, 6 amusement park tickets in hand.

"Where did you get those this time." You grinned at him most likely-

"I won them."

"As if. You threatened the prize winning stall again didn't you?" You stared back blankly "...! cause Sakura said there was a new park opening yesterday!"
You laughed. He's spoiling her again! You wondered if he was like this in the future too.

"..I didn't do it for the omnivore, the stall was disturbing the peace."


"So Tsuna, Yamamoto, white haired oji-san, you wanna go to the amusement park with us?"

"Eh? How did you get so many Name-chan?"

"Haha sure!"

"...don't call me that woman!"

"...who said those herbivores could go?"

"I said so. Don't waste the tickets Kyoya. Right Sakura?"

"Yay!! Uncle Tuna! Uncle Yama! Uncle Tako!"

"..." Collective silence.

"... Don't look at me I didn't teach her that"

Meanwhile Hibari smirked.

Extended ending

"No! Sakura-chan you don't bite your Ice-Cream! Wait no come back to Uncle Tsuna or Tou-san will bite him to death! HIEEEE! Where did you get those mini-tonfas?!"

"...gokudera-kun please stop threatening to blow the place up if they don't give Sakura that leopard plushie."

"Yamamoto-kun! Why are you surrounded by a horde of fangirls?!"


"Name-chan why did you ask me to come! It's like I'm taking care of 4 children instead of one!"

"...Welcome to my world Tsuna- I have to deal with those two everyday."

"I have to deal with the other two... Are we the only sane ones?"



Did you guys enjoy? :) school holidays again after this Friday so I'm going to do a special Q&A for Hibari so ask away~ in the comments below- feel free to ask me questions too and leave a comment about what you think!

(Hibari Kyoya x Reader) Loving a Herbivore.Where stories live. Discover now