The Carnivore's Baby Omnivore

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UwU hi guys Author-chan loves you okay? you're all my familgia (haha I wish) so I'd just like you guys to know I'm in ITALY HELL YES. The beautiful place where Reborn, Gokudera and Dino were born~~~~ but I'm leaving today so before I go I'd like you to have an update written from the atmosphere of italy~


Your POV

you woke to cute obsidian eyes staring at you curiously. Wait what since when were kyoya's (scary) eyes cute? ooooh no. nononono. it wasn't a dream was it.

"tou-san~ kaa-chan's awakeeeee!" You looked at her closely, bright obsidian eyes, soft raven black hair but that smile was one you saw when you looked into a mirror, it was yours. She so resembled you and kyoya yet it almost didn't feel real that she was yours and his. You felt like you needed to hold her, protect her and never let go. Like the small child you held in your arms was the most precious thing in the world.

"Herbivore hurry up, we're leaving."

"Which one?" You grinned.

"I only see one herbivore, the other's an omnivore." Hibari smirked back. You laughter and grabbed Hibari's hand tugging him along as he carried the little omnivore on is shoulders. As his fingers entwined with yours, you knew you were not the only one feeling this joy. Maybe you really could get used to this. Having your own little family.

It was then you realised you still did not know her name. "Sweetie, do you think you could tell kaa-chan your name?"

"It's Hibari Sakura! Like the pretty pink flowers!!" She giggled

Hibari glared at you "why did you name my omnivore such a herbivorous thing?"

"How do you know I named her? Besides-" you smirked "it's fitting! A new weakness named after an old one. Don't look at me like that! I know shes already got you wrapped around her pretty little omnivorous finger~"

As though to prove your point Sakura squealed and pointed to an ice cream truck "Tou-san!!! Ice-cream!!! Can we get some?"

You grinned as though daring him to say no. Not that he could of course. You could tell she was definitely already a Daddy's little girl.

He didnt even bother to reply and you laughed "Victory is sweet~" you skipped after them. You'd seen this happen a lot with vendor stalls and Hibari. you knew exactly what was going to happen. He made a beeline for the truck with Sakura still on his shoulders.

"Pick one omnivore." Hibari picked her up and placed her in his arms to get closer to the flavours as he glared at the salesman.

Sakura looked troubled there were so many flavours she could choose from... The salesman looked equally (but for different reasons of course) if not more troubled as he eyed Hibari nervously.

"...There's so many... Can I pick more than one?" She glanced up at Hibari with her widened obsidian eyes and a small cute pout. You gasped. But then grinned with pride, it seems the future you taught her well~


Before Hibari could answer the salesman stuttered "I-I d-didn't know y-you had a s-sister, H-h-hibari-san..."

"...she's not my sister, shes my omnivore. I'll bite you to death."

Then with skill he pulled out his tonfa single handedly and death glared at the salesman, Sakura just giggled as though this was the most normal thing in the world (which it was for the the three of you at least). Ah even with a child (that looked like him no less) Hibari was still equally as threatening.


Hibari smirked as they ran and then murmured to Sakura "on second thoughts, Tou-san thinks you should take all the flavours"

"Yay~ Tou-san you're the best! Love you Tou-san! Love you kaa-chan!" Then she rushed off happily to the truck.

"Ufufu~ what did I say~ wrapped around her pretty little finger that's what you are~"

"...Shut up"

Extended Tuna-Fish Ending~~~

"HIEEEEEEE TOU-SAN?! H-hibari-san is a FATHER?! Name-chan... YOU WERE PREGNANT AND WE DIDN'T KNOW?!" Tsuna cried in shock.

"Name... Baka what did I tell you about using protection?" Gokudera smirked lazily.

"Y-YOU TOLD ME OF NO SUCH THING TAKO-HEAD!" You blushed furiously.

Hibari smirked, "not bad octopus herbivore."

Gokudera chuckled "you're not so bad eit- wait WHAT DID YOU CALL ME YOU TONFA B******?!"


A ravenette peaked out from the ice cream truck. "Oh. Hello Uncle Tsuna! Hello Uncle Gokudera~ would you like some ice cream?"

"Oi. Name's brat, pass me the strawberry gelato." He grinned ruffling her hair. You smacked his head "don't call my daughter a brat. TAKO-head."


"Shut up Dame-Tsuna" Reborn kicked him. Tsuna fainted.

"Yeah. That was my reaction too." You said nonchalantly.

Extended Extended Tsuna Fish Ending~~~~

"And that, omnivore, is that Tuna-fish that brought you here."

"...what are you telling our child Kyoya."


SO DID YOU LIKE IT? I THOUGH IT WAS ADORABLE. PLEASE COMMENT~ I PRETTY MUCH READ THEM ALL AND THEY MAKE MY FREAKING DAY- oops caps are on. But yeah comment what you think and I'll try to update quicker- thanks for sticking with me~}~

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