Herbivore's Halloween

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Happy Halloween~ enjoy this sweet treat Kufufufu~

The Herbivore's Halloween

"Ne Kyoya~? Can we go to the Haunted House?"


"B-but it's Halloweeeeen..." You whined trying to annoy said carnivore into submission by poking his cheeks.


"No. They'll be herbivores crowding everywhere."

Hibari straight out refused not even batting an eyelid at your fruitless attempts.

"Poo. You have no heart." You pouted.

Hibari smirked before firing back smoothly "of course I don't herbivore, you took it remember?" He reached out and tugged you into a tight embrace.

"I stwil wan nu go." Your speech muffled by Hibari's chest.

"Hn. I can't hear you herbivore."

That little....! He could totally hear you!

The both of you heard the pitter patter of small feet.

"Tou-san what are you doing?" She stared at the two of you.

"I'm suffocating Kaa-chan."

"..." She was obviously used to his behaviour and she brushed off the statement.

"Kaa-chan, Tou-san, can I go trick or treating with Lambo Ipin and Fuuta?" She blushed lightly towards the end of her sentence and Hibari narrowed his eyes.


"No." The two of you said at the same time.

"Kaa-chan said I could go~" Sakura grinned cheekily.

"Tou-san said no." Hibari deadpanned.

"Pleaseeee?" Sakura begged. It seemed this was Hibari's biggest weakness and Sakura took advantage of it every chance she got.

"...what did I tell you to do if other herbivores crowd around you?" He sighed in defeat.

"I...bite them to death." She slowly grinned.

"-and if they try and steal your candy?"

"Bite them to death twice as hard?"

Hibari smirked and ruffled her hair. "Good girl."


When the three of you arrived at Tsuna's house you laughed at the array of costumes.

Tsuna was a wizard. Yamamoto was a zombie. Gokudera was a were cat?

You were dressed as a demon, Sakura as an angel and Hibari was of course a vampire.

"Gokudera, can you go with Sakura to trick or treat? I don't want anything to happen to them..." Even though you said yes you were still worried. There was only so much Sakura could 'bite to death'.

"I was already planning to. Don't think I'm doing this for you, the stupid cow always gets into annoying messes anyways."

"If you say so. Thanks anyways."

The two of you looked over at the children.

"Y-you look really pretty S-sakura-chan..." Fuuta stuttered.

"T-thank you. You look really handsome Fuuta-kun!" She blushed and reached out to hold his hand.

You and Gokudera stared in disbelief.

"...is that why she wanted to go trick or treating?"


"I'm going to bite that little herbivore to death." Hibari growled.

You laughed and dragged an angry Hibari to the haunted house.

It was dark inside just like you expect it to be. You hadn't thought about how scary it would be until you actually walked in.

Clinging onto Hibari you moved slowly, expecting the worst.

"...stop being such a herbivore..." He sighed.

You made an incoherent noise and clung onto him tighter.

"...Just because you can bite everything to death doesn't mean everyone else can..."

Hibari smirked dangerously. The kind of smirk a carnivore would do before capturing his prey.

"You know what else I can do?"



With that he caged you against the wall of the haunted house and kissed you passionately, roughly and hotly all at once.


You felt him smirk against you and he pulled away to leave a trail of love bites from your jaw to your collarbone.

"S-stop I-it." You stuttered, trying to push him away. Eventually you just gave up and returned his deep kisses.

"I'm going to bite you to death."

~extended ending~

"Boo!- oh my god!! " a poor unlucky worker decided to sneak up on your make out session and is probably scarred for life. On top of that it wasn't just any make out session he interrupted, he interrupted Hibari's.

Hibari narrowed his eyes at the horrified staff member dressed as a zombie.

"Lucky you herbivore. You're going to be bitten to death twice." He growled.


~extended extended ending~

"Do you think it's Tou-san?"

"Che. Of course it's that tonfa b******!"

(Hibari Kyoya x Reader) Loving a Herbivore.Where stories live. Discover now