Carnivores are never lonely (REWRITE)

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I used to think my story was perfect but the speed at which their relationship progresses is just too fast and so it's not really that satisfying when they get together. To be fair when I wrote it I was like 13 and mostly writing my dream situation so now hopefully I can write it a lil more realistically! As always hope you enjoy, let me know if you did in the comments, or if you have any suggestions!


Chapter 1

Hibari was never the type of person to show his feelings. His defences were impenetrable, both physically and emotionally. Nobody piqued his interest for more than a fleeting moment, when his sharp eyes caught onto their wrongdoings and his tonfas came down in swift strokes.

It was an ordinary morning, students shuffling into the school gates in packs, shoulders hunched, eyes avoidant, terrified of catching his attention lest they end up bruised yet again. As usual he stayed well past the school bell, always a few late-comers no matter how much he bit them to death.

You walked in with a sheepish smile, he scowled, just another herbivore albeit one he hadn't seen before . He scanned your figure, a neatly pressed uniform, unblemished ribbon, it was obvious you were new. And yet already you had scrapes on your hands and knees. His eyes narrowed, unable to sense the fear that would usually radiate from those who held his undivided scrutiny. If you were a delinquent he'd have to punish you twice as hard. He didn't need any more of those. How far did you have to have come from to have not heard of him, he wondered. He tampered down his slight curiosity. Afterall you were just another late herbivore, on your first day no less.

He glared down at you, "I'll bite you to death for your tardiness." Your eyes widened at the flash of steel, ducking away just in time.

"You didn't even hear my side of the story!" Gently shrugging the backpack off your shoulders, you unzipped it to reveal a soft grey-furred kitten. It let out a soft meow. Hibari hesitated. On the one hand pets were against the school rules. On the other his interest was piqued.

"Go on then. You have 10 seconds." He put away his tonfas, leaning against the wall.

"Almost ran over him with my bike, fell over to avoid him, didn't have a collar so brought him here." You glanced up, hoping your explanation satisfied the bloodthirsty student who seemed to totally disregard being late himself. Absentmindedly you scratched the soft pointy ear of the kitten.

"Hn. Don't let it happen again. You won't be so lucky next time." He reached towards you, you flinched only to have him take the kitten out of your hands by the scruff of its neck.

"This is confiscated. Pets aren't allowed." He glared at you one more time for good measure before turning his back to you, briskly walking off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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