Carnivores don't...cry.

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Hi! This story is bribery for my friend Fairytales123 who is currently in Japan WITHOUT ME. HOW DARE YOU. So in return you better buy me that food. Here's your stupid update.

Hai! Sorry Minna! I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for all the comments I really appreciate it!


1 week later

(Name) POV-

How could he? You trusted him. You thought he was... he was good. Why would he keep something like this from you?

You felt tears threaten to fall. here you were alone in Your cold empty home. It was as cold and empty as your heart. Pulling your knees to your chest, you cried. Somehow wishing Kyoya, your Kyoya not the cold blooded killer, would comfort you. At the thought of this you let out another choked sob and felt your heart clench.

... After what felt like hours of crying you heard a muffled voice outside your door.

"Name...Oi. Name are you in there?"

"GO AWAY KYOYA! I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU. O-or see y-you..." You sobbed throwing your cushion at the door in frustration.

You heard the door open, warm hands reached out to you. "Hey, hey Name whats wrong? Did that tonfa b*stard hurt you? Want me to blow him up for you?"

You relaxed... it was just Gokudera. He drew you into his arms in an uncharacteristically kind embrace.

"Shhh... It's okay... want to tell me what happened?"

"H-He...K-kyoya...sniffles...m-ma-mafia...." You choked into his now wet shirt.

Gokudera froze. You knew? How was he going to explain to you that he was-

"...Herbivore...Get away from Name." You heard a voice growl.

Your eyes blurred with tears. "Get out K-Kyoya.I don't want to talk to you."

You felt cold hands yank you away from Gokudera.

"stop it. I don't want to see your stupid lying face" You cried weakly.

"Then don't look at me. Just listen" Hibari hugged you tightly, burying his face in your shirt.

"I didn't tell you because I thought that if I told you I would be putting you in danger. I thought it was unnecessary. But I don't care if you're mad at me or hate me because I promised I'd never let you go. And I'm not going to. Ever. You're my herbivore whether you like it or not."

You couldn't forget he wasn't a killer. You couldn't ignore the fact he was doing wrong but right now...being in his arms. It was so right. Like it always had been. It was like it had never changed, your heart was still beating for him, your cheeks still red and your love for him was still there.

"Kyoya I hate you." You felt him flinch and your shoulder felt wet. Was he... was he crying? His body shook lightly and you felt conflicted... Guilt eating at you. You rejected the instinct you hug him tightly, to tell him everything was okay and loved him.

"B-but also I can't stop l-loving you. So even if you are...a hitman I still-still love you." You whispered. Kyoya crushed you in the warmest you had ever gotten from him. You felt his cold fingers tilt your chin up and as you looked into his pained silver blue eyes you didn't see a cold blooded killer instead you saw Kyoya, a carnivore who was too lonely. The Kyoya you loved. The Kyoya who undoubtably loved you back.

He pulled you into a warm kiss that sent pleasant shivers down your spine. He refused to let you go or pull away and instead choose to pour out all his feelings of anguish and... Love into that one kiss, leaving you crying harder.

"One more." You whispered. He kissed you again this time gently, holding you as though you were as fragile as glass and that he would break you if held any harder. When he pulled away you saw love shining in his watery orbs.

"Once more." You murmured, face still so close to his your noses were touching. It was as though you needed to reaffirm his love for you. And Kyoya was than willing to comply. Pulling you impossibly closer he kissed you deeply like he needed you, like you were his air. In return you tangled your fingers in his soft raven black hair.

"If its kisses you want, mine will be the only ones you'll ever be getting from now on." Kyoya murmured huskily. But by then you were already deep asleep the last week of fatigue catching up with you.

And for the first time in a week Kyoya let a soft smile flit onto his handsome face. Gently picking you up and placing you onto the bed he allowed a moment to stare at your tired self. He felt so guilty knowing it was because of him you were crying and because of him you hurt. Softly stroking your hair he whispered.

"Herbivore... I love you."

Too bad you were asleep~

Extended ending~~~~~~

"Hmm~ I had a wonderful dream last night..." You yawned snuggling into Kyoya's warm embrace.

"And what was that herbivore?"

"I dreamed that you told me you loved me." You grinned eyes sparkling.

Kyoya froze. Dammit...

(Hibari Kyoya x Reader) Loving a Herbivore.Where stories live. Discover now