Carnivores don't owe favours.

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Sitting in class you couldn't help but sigh as you stared out the window. You noticed Hibari patrolling the empty school grounds leisurely, his jacket fluttering in the wind. As he looked up his intense gaze met yours. You flushed. Giving him a small wave you let a smile flit onto your face... Was that a smile on his face?!

Nah. It was probably your imagination.

"I wish Hibari would come take me away... This class was so tedious." You sighed again.

"Oh for gods sake woman! Stop sighing! If you want to see him that badly just skip this period!" Gokudera scowled throwing his feet onto your chair, lightly prodding his shoes into your sides. You jumped. "W-what? I-is it that obvious..." Gokudera sent you a pointed stare.

Just as you were about to sigh again, the door slid open with a bang.

Steel blue met your own bright eyes. Your mouth popped into an "o" and you sent him a relieved smile.

Standing up you began to walk towards him.

"L/N-San. Please s-sit down. We are in the m-middle o-eek! I'm sorry you may go, you are excused!" Your teacher cowered as Hibari sent him a cold glare.

In the background you heard Yamamoto's normal laughter and your eyes met Gokudera's once more. He sent you a lazy smirk and waved you away before kicking his feet onto your desk, still smirking. You rolled your eyes. Besides you you heard a low growl before surprisingly warm hands wrapped tightly around yours as if to stake his claim in front of the class. Not that anyone would dare take you anyway.

You smiled before giving him a reassuring squeeze, following him out onto the roof.

Hibari sat down on the cool concrete quickly tugging you down with him, you laughed falling into his arms, sitting up you felt him rest his head in your lap. Watching his breathing slowly even out and his chest rising and falling you deemed him asleep. you couldn't resist the temptation of touching his raven black. Tangling your fingers in his soft black strands (which was every bit as soft and silky as it looked) you sighed once more, this time in content. Slowly stroking his hair you leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Suddenly Hibari turned so that his face pressed into your stomach. You squeaked, blushing. Was he awake?! As if sensing your surprise you felt him smirk against you, his hand reaching up to grasp your hand which had halted all it's movements in his hair.

"...Did I tell you to stop?"

"Y- you were awake?!" You tried to pull your hand out of his grasp to cover your strawberry red face. But his grip only tightened. He leaned up and pressed a chaste kiss to you lips already so close to him.

"W-what was that for?" You blushed harder.

Hibari smirked.

"I don't like owing favours"

.... If that's what you got for sneaking him kisses you have to do it more often~

(Hibari Kyoya x Reader) Loving a Herbivore.Where stories live. Discover now