Chapter Twenty

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Twenty: New Beginnings?

Forelsket (n.):

The euphoria you experience when you're first falling in love.

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It was another one of those late-night talks. But this time they were sitting at the porch instead of the courtyard. Jimin was snuggled up on one of the chairs, and covered in the deep-violet blanket. Ever since the first night, Jimin declared it his favorite and every politely stole it from Yoongi's room. But he would it was exchange since he gave his white blanket to the elder. The blanket wasn't meant for one person, and it ended up literally swallowing Jimin's body. And it made him love it even more. He sighed, and snuggled in further into the blanket, glancing up at the elder. 

Yoongi was talking about something, but Jimin had long lost track of the words. His sole focus was on elder's voice, the way he would sometimes use his hand to emphasize on the words. Or the way he would make slurping sounds in between his words. And if something amused him, his voice would get all pitchy as he tilted his head. His lips would set into a slight pout every time he spoke. 

And sometimes his eyes would glow the rich purple shade that seemed to be get more entrancing every day. Having Jimin hooked every second, and slowly tugging him to towards getting lost in those eyes. And sometimes, he did. But only when the elder wouldn't notice. It was funny, Yoongi would shy away from an eye-contact pretty much all the time, and Jimin would tease him about it. But the times Yoongi did look at Jimin in his eyes, it was his turn to get flustered. He couldn't help it, every time Yoongi look in his eyes, he felt this overwhelming rush of emotions and it made him look away. It felt like, if he looked any longer he'll probably loose his mind. Or maybe his heart. 

He blinked and shook his head. Trying to get rid of the thoughts that had recently been clouding his mind. He turned his focus back at the elder. He didn't know what the elder was talking about. The words reached his ears but not his brain. However, he did know what Yoongi was going to make the slurping sound once again. 

He waited for the perfect moment making quietly making the slurping sound at the same time as the elder. Immediately the Draconian stopped and looked his way. Jimin have a goofy grin, pulling the blanket closer to himself. 

Yoongi narrowed his eyes, a amused tugging at the end of his lips. "But as I was saying..."

Jimin made the sound once again, just as Yoongi did. The grin on his face widening when he saw the surprised expression on the elder's face. But this he broke into a soft grin, "Do I do that, that often?"

Jimin nodded, "Yep. I can almost predict it all the time." then after a short pause he added, "It's cute."

The elder stared at him for a few seconds. Swiftly licking his lips before looking away with a blush. Jimin giggled when the elder tried to speak once again but ended up stuttering over his words. 

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