Chapter Fifty-Seven

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"Park Jimin's family?"

"Yes?" Jungkook responded. 

"We're going to need a blood donation."

"I'll do it." Yoongi spoke, already getting up from his seat.

"Yoongi, you're too-" Jin tried to speak, but the Draconian cut him off with a wave of his hand. 

"I'm the only one here who's blood is going to match his. There is no point in arguing."

Hoseok frowned, "How do you-"

But before he could finish, Yoongi followed the healer into the room. He let out a shaky breath seeing Jimin's bloodied body on the white bed. His skin white as sheets of paper. Lips white. And eyes closed. He glanced up to the monitor. It barely showed any heartbeats. 

Tearing away his gaze from the screen, he looked over to the other empty bed. 

"I can't make any promises." The healer warned before hand, "I-I... Personally speaking, this is going to be vain attempt. His heart is barely beating even with external help."

"Just do it." Yoongi replied. 

The healer sighed and nodded, "I'm sorry."

Jimin panted, looking around in the darkness. He didn't know where he was. Or where he should go to. Until, he heard a voice. A soft voice, repeating one sentence over and again. Cries, and sobs echoing in the darkness. 

Jimin furrowed his eyes in concentration as he tried to focus on the voice. It seemed oddly familiar. 

"I'm sorry." The voice cried. Jimin listened to it for a few seconds, before he started walking. Following the sound of the voice. Hoping it would lead him somewhere. However, after running in the darkness for a while he realized he had no idea where he was headed to. Or which direction he was facing. It seemed like he was just running in circle. 

He bit his lips, trying to spot something in the pitch black darkness. 

Then suddenly he felt a soft breeze from behind him and turned around. His eyes widening in shock when he saw that a door has suddenly appeared behind him. The sound of the crying voice had gotten louder. It took him a second to realize that voice was coming from behind the door. Just as he placed his hand on the door, wondering if he could open it, the door slid open. Inside, the room was just as dark. A small window up high in the wall and pale blue light falling in.

He walked inside, flinching when the door shut behind him with a loud bang. However, before he could turn around he saw something from the corner of his eyes. Turning in that direction, he saw a small boy curled up against the corner. Knees pulled to his chest, and head on his arm. His body shaking as he cried. The boy looked roughed up. Bruises and wounds on his arms and legs. 

Jimin let out a shaky breath as he a strong feeling of déjà vu hit him. 

"Hey..." He softly called out. Gaining the boy's attention. He frowned when he saw the boy flinch and look up at him.

Jimin's eyes widen, breath hitching in his lungs, stone cold feeling spreading through his chest as he his heart dropped to the pits of his stomach.

He found himself staring at his own self.

For a moment he thought was seeing wrong, but then he noticed something.

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