Chapter Twenty-Five

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Twenty-Five: Breaking down to be build up again.

We hold on to things, that we shouldn't

To live in the illusion of safety

Because it's easier than letting go

But sometimes,  we need to take the leap of faith

To be a little lighter, to move on a little more


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It was late in the fourth quarter, and no one could sleep. Yoongi still hadn't come back, or given any response. Zandro, and Bricriu couldn't find him either. They were all huddle up on Yoongi's couch. The youngest three on one, and the elder three on another. Hoseok was repeatedly checking the time, and glancing outside. Namjoon and Jin were a bit more composed, but as time passed the composure was slowly stripping away from their behavior. Taehyung couldn't sit in place, and kept on getting up and pacing around the room. Jungkook had broken down earlier when there was no response from Yoongi, and had grown tired from it. He had his head laid on Jimin's lap, as the elder gently ran his finger through his hair. Jimin wasn't that good either. He had chewed his lips raw, almost to the point of making them bleed. Marks on his palm from all the time had been digging his finger into this fist, trying to keep himself together. 

Suddenly they heard footsteps echoing through the hallway. And when they turned around, they saw a furious looking mint haired Draconian marching into the room. His eyes were stuck up on Jungkook. When the others saw him head towards Jungkook, they instinctively stood up. Jimin being the closet to the elder Draconian, stood up and stopped him from moving ahead. 

"Woah, woah, woah." They all collectively uttered, standing between Yoongi and Jungkook. 

"Why did you do that?" Yoongi growled. But despite the anger, they all heard the pain in his voice. His voice barely even steady. And Jimin could see tears brimming in his eyes. 

"I didn't know what else do!" Jungkook answered. His face turning red as he tried to keep himself together as well. 

Yoongi shook his head, and took in a shaky breath, "You-You could've sa-said anything. Absolutely anything, and I would've come back."

"No you wouldn't have!" Jungkook cried, Hoseok holding him back, "You didn't come back last time and I tried everything! You were gone for days Yoongi!"

"That doesn't mean you-" Yoongi stopped himself, by now tears were slowly streaming down his face, "You know everything. You saw everything. You had been there. You know what had happened, then  how could you still do it? Doesn't matter if I didn't come back today, you still had no right to do it!"

"And what I am supposed to do?!" Jungkook yelled, "Watch you slowly kill yourself day by day till you go back to the way you were? Did you ever stop to think the way it made me feel, made us feel seeing you like that?!"

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