Chapter 25

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On New Year's Eve, the last night of the tour, exactly a month before her due date, Ami decided to make her debut. The guys were giving their last bows, and Yoongi looked at her with his hand over his heart. She was crouched over in pain and screamed. He was to her in an instant. 

Jimin rushed over and grabbed her other hand, "are you okay, oh my God what is that?" He yelled. 

Yoongi looked at the younger, "Her water broke. Go tell the others."

Jimin ran back on stage and into the mic, he yelled, "Stasia is in labor, the baby is coming right now."

Yoongi picked her up and took off towards the back, "There's an ambulance outback, let's go."

In her confusion, she stuttered out, "Why is there an ambulance out back?"

He gave her a pointed look, "Because my girlfriend is 9 months pregnant, that's why."

As he carried her away, she heard the rest of Bangtan through the speakers. " What, why, it's a month early," Jungkook gasped. 

"Stasia is in labor," Joon mumbled in disbelief.

"We're having the baby. Right now," Jimin reiterated.

"But we don't even have a car seat yet," Jin said, a bit panicky.

"I have to call my Eomma," said Tae.

"Goodbye, Army. We're off to see our princess be born," Jungkook happily shouted, eliciting thousands of cheers.

Yoongi was amazing; he got her breathing as she was supposed to.

"How do you know how to do this?" She asked between breaths.

"YouTube, and I read a few books," he shrugged.

Stasia laughed through the next contraction. "you, you YouTubed breathing tips. God, I love you." Then she squeezed his hand and yelled. When they got to the hospital, they rushed her in. 

Yoongi was calm yet demanding, "She's 36 weeks, her water broke 20 minutes ago, and contractions are 5-7 minutes apart." The doctor nodded and took her to the VIP labor and delivery room. The other six weren't far behind, and they made it right when she pushed her out. 

Jimin kissed her hand and Kook her forehand.

"You did great; she's beautiful," Joon said in awe.

Jin cut the cord, and Tae helped clean her off. Hobi brought her to Stasia, all bundled in her blanket. He looked at her in awe, "Here's your Eomma, Princess." Then he kissed her forehead and handed her to her mother. 

As she held her beautiful daughter, surrounded by seven men she loved, she looked to the sky and thanked Noah. "Thank you for saving me, saving us. Thank you for giving me the greatest gift I could ever receive. She'll grow up knowing all about her hero Father," then she kissed her beautiful angel.

Yoongi never left their side. He changed her diaper and brought her to Stasia to nurse her. He helped her shower and rocked her to sleep. After two days, they were released, and Jin and Kook pulled up in an SUV. Kookie hopped out of the car and proudly announced that Jin and he went car seat shopping, and they bought one. It also turns into a stroller. "Tada," he said with a cheesy grin.

She thanked them both, and Jin came and put Ami in the seat for her. Stasia was surprised he managed to do it with Yoongi hovering. Kookie helped her into the back, and Yoongi was on the other side of her. Kook hopped back in front, and Jin got into the driver's seat. Then off they went, to go back home.

When she got home, she realized that everyone had been shopping. Everything they could ever need for a baby was there and already assembled. Her hormones were still raging, so she immediately started crying. Yoongi took Ami, and Stasia went and hugged all of them. "Thank you. Seriously, you guys are amazing."

Jimin walked over to Yoongi and asked, " Are you going to share? It's my turn to hold her?" After some grumbling, Jimin got his way. 

But Yoongi followed him, berating him with instructions: " Make sure you support her head; don't hold her like that; bounce gently." Stasia just had to laugh at how overprotective he was.

She sat next to Jimin on the couch and leaned her head on his shoulder, listening to him coo at their daughter. "You're such a pretty little girl. You look just like your Eomma. Appa loves you so much, pretty girl." 

When Ami started crying, Jimin felt a mild panic. Yoongi called from the kitchen, "She's probably hungry. Wake Stasia up."

Jimin was still in a slight state of panic; apparently, she hadn't fed Ami in front of any of the guys besides Yoongs. You'd think the fact that they've seen her naked multiple times would make breastfeeding tame, but who knows what men are thinking?

Yoongi gently took Ami from Jimin and palmed her cheek, "Nae Sesang, you gotta wake up. Ami is hungry." She was so tired and just whined.

Yoongi laughed and said, "Here, I'll help. Jimin, grab her boppy pillow." After some pointing, Jimin was on board. He handed it to Yoongi, who positioned it. Then Yoongi lifted her nursing shirt and unsnapped her bra. 

He gently placed Ami at her breast, and she latched immediately. He looked at Jimin, " This is how you help feed the baby. When she's done eating, give Stasia some water and then change Ami's diaper. I'll show you how." 

Over the next several days, Yoongi taught all of them how to take care of Stasia and Ami. The guys were all superstars. By the time Ami was a month old, all of the guys were pros at being dads. 

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