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Dear boys,
I love you.

That night, Carter walked outside and surrendered herself to the hellhounds in order to keep her friends out of danger. "Come on, you hell bitches." She called. She dropped her gun onto the floor and looked around. Claw marks began forming around here. "Hey, Sparky." She whispered.

She was pushed onto the asphalt by a strong pair of jaws. It felt as if the teeth had hit her bone. She screamed in pain and felt her stomach tear open. "Just do it, you whores." She cried, feeling blood exit her body. With a sharp jolt and sudden snap, her lights had turned off and Carter was dead.

Sam and Dean were woken up to two loud screams from a couple who stumbled upon Carter's body. They looked around the motel room for their friend, but she wasn't there. Sam and Dean ran outside, panicking.

Their eyes widened and Sam dropped to her side. "No. No, no, no." He whispered, putting his hand on her cheek. He could barely recognize her because of the tears in his eyes. He pulled her onto his lap and cradled her, sobbing into her blood-soaked hair. "I'm right here, baby." He told her, knowing she was already gone. Dean stared in disbelief and anger. His Sleeping Beauty was gone.

Sam and Dean brought her into the motel room and sat in silence. "Over there." Dean pointed at the leather book. Sam wiped her eyes and got up.

"Dear boys,

I'll be dead when you read this, which is kinda funny when you think about it." He read, scoffing a little. "What?" Dean questioned. "She drew a bunch of shrooms and stuff around the page," Sam muttered. "I have like, a week and 2 days until I croak. I made a deal with a demon because they said I could take Dean's place in Hell. I don't really know what to believe, but if my education is right, they have guidelines to follow when they make deals. Our agreement should be honored and you two will be okay." He continued. "Should?"

"Can I just be brutally honest with you guys? I'm kind of scared to die. According to the woman, I'll be---" Sam paused. He cleared his throat and skipped the paragraph.

"Now, I'll be far from happy. I'll be alone. I'll be broken. I still wouldn't have it any other way. As long as the Winchester brothers are okay, so am I.--- Dean, this paragraph's for you." He told him.

"Dean, I'm sitting beside you right now in Baby. You look so at peace and happy, but I can see your fear etched in your eyes. You're scared. You shouldn't be. It'll all be okay at the end of this lady holds up her end of the bargain. I don't think I could ever get sick of seeing your happiness when you hear the engine start in your car or when you win a game of poker. I could never forget the smile you get after gambling. I don't think you understand how much your smile makes me happy. I know you are struggling, Dean-O, but I'm real proud of you for keeping your head above water. You're the best dancing partner and a real sweet guy. I hope one day you settle down with someone and dance with them the way you danced with me. I hope you take them to fields and watch the stars with a beer in your hand. Look at her the way you looked at me. Love her as you loved me. She'll never even get over that look, I promise."

Dean threw the book down and put his head in his hands. "Damn it, Carter."

"Sam, how do I start? You came into my life at the weirdest time. You took my joy and made it into something more. I used to look forward to going to Stanford just to see you. You took me under your wing and introduced me to your friends and I can never repay you for that...especially since I'm dead. Sammy, you were there for me from the get-go. You and I clicked so easily and I didn't realize it at the time, but I need you because you make me feel complete. You're my bullet to my gun, the stars to my sky, and whatever other cringe-worthy shit is out there." Sam laughed. "Either way, you get the point. All of the nights we would sit and talk. The times when we didn't even have to talk to understand one another. When you'd hug me after I finished crying. We were a fucking Hallmark couple in the best way." He laughed again. "Damn, I miss you." He sighed. "Go on," Dean told him.

"I know it was selfish of me to sell my soul and leave you, Sam, but you need your brother. That's all I wanted from this. I want you and your brother to live---Boys, I'm counting on you to try and resurrect me. I don't think it's possible, but if you don't try, I'll haunt you." Sam laughed and gulped. "Take care of Flynn for me and tell Ellen and Jo I love them. Thank Bobby for everything he's done. Until next time, bitches." He concluded. "Even in her dying moments, she never stopped being sarcastic." Sam smiled. "Is there more?" Dean questioned. "Yeah. I'll read some of the recent ones. Oh! Here. One titled; Wiener-Chesters." He snickered.

"Hey, Wieners. I got a tattoo. I don't know why. Yolo. Uhhh blah blah...blah blah....words...---And then it's gibberish. Was she drunk journaling?-- Here. Boys, I just told you what happened. You can remember what happened by yourselves. Sammy---" Sam paused to read. "And then she says; Dean, I'd do it all over again if it means there's even a SLIVER of a chance you can drive Baby until you're old.--- She says she loves you--- my best friend, my drinking buddy, and a sarcastic asshole. There's one of you, Dean, and many more of me. I want a dramatic hunter's funeral. Tears, roses, drinking, stories---All of that good stuff. If I don't see tears, I'll fly up from Hell to beat your asses. Anyway, I know you're both pissed now, but hopefully, that changes when you read this. Forever in my heart, -Carter."

"We can't burn her body, man. She deserves a proper burial or something until we figure out how to resurrect her." Dean mumbled. "Yeah...How are we gonna do that, Dean?" Sam turned to Carter's side. "I don't know."


Bobby banged on the motel door after receiving Dean's call and driving over. He and Flynn burst into the room and Carter's dog instantly jumped onto the bed and laid beside her, whining. Bobby covered his mouth and nearly gagged at the sight of her pale and bloody body.

Sam sat next to Flynn and held Carter's hand.


"Sam?! Dean?! Please! No!"

Creatures began biting at her body, tearing piece after piece off of her. Every time she bled out, she'd heal and the process would begin again. "Help!" Carter screamed.

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