Part 15: Alone

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It was much harder than it looked to inch my way across the narrow ledge of the castle. Every now and then a piece of stone would crumble away from the wall and shake my balance.

I moved slowly and carefully crawling like a monkey crouched low, one leg directly in front of the other and my hands gripping what it could to the front the golden dagger firmly clenched between my teeth. Every now and then a hard cold wind would sweep up from below making me think, this was it. I was finally going to die. Somehow I held on and remained steady, pausing for only brief moments. My eyes remained glued to a small one of the small balconies that held one of the old, unused cannons.

Growing up I was afraid of allot of things, spiders, needles, the stems that you sometimes find on the ends of pickles. Heights was luckily never on that list...but that didn't mean I wanted to test my bravery.

I hope that bastard Beowulf realizes what he left me alone to do. Risk my life thousands and thousands of feet above solid ground.

It might have been safer to have stayed and faced Morgana's hoard than risk my life way out here.

Carefully I risked a glance over my shoulder, wobbling precariously as I caught a glance at where Beowulf had left, jumping back down into the tower.

I hope he was alright.

"Happy thoughts," I thought to myself "Puppies,"

I could really use a coffee, the taste of golden dagger and my own blood just wasn't giving me a proper caffeine high.

Gradually I found myself directly above the balcony and was able to maneuver myself so that I was sitting along the ledge, feet dangling in the wind. The thought of coffee must have taken my mind off of my terrifying situation. Coffee never fails me.

The jump to the balcony ledge wasn't that far. I could jump from where I was, the trick would be not landing on the old rusting cannon and falling to my death.

"Oh sure, that looks easy enough" I said to myself taking the dagger from my mouth and inhaling three large breathes of air.

"You can do this...happy thoughts." I said closing my eyes tight

"Venti double chocolate mocha Frappuccino!" I whispered leaping from the ledge to my possible death.

Galahad's P.O.V

That stupid, selfish bastard.

He had no right to do that. His men marched for miles, driving themselves to the limit in order to assist in the rescue of the girl and he just LEAVES on his own accord. In the middle of the bloody night no less!

He could at least have taken me with him. To go alone was fool hardy!

Had one of the squires not noticed that we were down a horse I may not have known he was gone at all until morning. Then he would probably be dead...HE COULD BE DEAD NOW!

Enraged I pushed my hose harder, issuing a wave for the 50 men, now under my command, to do the same.

The night echoed with the thundering hooves of horses as we rode closer to the dark queen's castle.

It rose upon the horizon, surrounded by an iridescent cloud, an effect that occurs only with the heavy use of magic.

The farmers were passed stared from their homes with begging eyes. Even simple pheasants knew their queen was up to something terrible that night and they looked at us for help. The knights of Camelot.

Ahead of us we saw the fire of torchlight and the glistening steel of Morgana's army. A collection, of thieves, murderers and mercenaries.

"Ready yourselves men!" I yelled, leading the charge to the castle gates with my sword drawn high.

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