Part 16: You

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Galahad's P.O.V

My men made swift work of the gates infantry, it was as if they had no training or knowledge on how to swing a proper sword and soon we barreled our way into the castles courtyard the 6 archers in our company shooting flaming arrows at the canons high above in the castle walls.

The way the fire spread, all consuming was unfortunate but such damages are a necessity of war. My king will see the villagers and pheasants well compensated and invite all to join us in the glory of Camelot.

"Marauders of Camelot!" a woman screamed as she clutched her young son to her chest.

Marauders? What lies has the evil witch spread to her people? The men of Camelot have been ordered to do their best not to hurt any pheasants unless necessary and aim their swords at those who protect the dark queen Morgana.

This was propaganda at its best.

I ran past market stalls, slicing my way through the mass of screaming men. "Forward!" I charged my men to the doors of the castle.

My blade running through bodies like butter fueled by my anger at my comrade, Beowulf.

I would find him and the girl, should they still live, and give him a piece of my mind.

Bobbing and weaving I easily made my way up the small stone stairs and slipped past the guard less entrance.

The castle foyer was empty and the stones echoed with screams of women.

Peering around the shadows I was the first of my knights to enter. A few slaves lingered in the shadows, filling bags with golden chalices and candle sticks.

True opportunists.

I approached one, with shaggy brown hair and light brown eyes who was too preoccupied with his spoils to notice my entrance. His fellow pillagers silently scampered away as I approached, leaving him unaware to his fate.

"Where is the queens tower", I asked lowering my blade to his hunched form, resting the point to the base of his neck.

Swallowing hard he slowly raised his head, pupils dilating as he stared at me in horror.

"I have no quarrel with you."

"Please don't eat me." He stuttered falling back from my steel.

"I am thin and diseased! Nothing but a tasteless slave! No meal for a knight such as yourself."

I raised my brow, it seemed as though the closer to the castle I approached, the worse the lies became. The queen was a true wordsmith.

"Help me and you will live, I seek only a comrade in arms" I answered, pulling the boy up by his arm.

He dropped his loot with a clatter.

Reaching into my tunic I pulled out a bag of gold coins and dangled it in front of his eyes.

"All yours if you act as my guide. I don't have time to tally from corridor to corridor in search of what I seek."

I tilted my head, looking down at as the boy practically drooled over the offer of money. Hi shallow set eyes darted from the bag and then to my face as he contemplated my offer.

Impatiently I grunted, jingling the bag tenaciously.

"I will lead you" he stuttered, his Adams apple wavering as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

I grunted again, this time in approval.

"But there is one problem." He said with a tremble. "Half of the halls are aflame and I am unknowing if the path to the castle will be clear enough to pass."

Grabbing the boy roughly, I pulled him to his scrawny feet and held him close enough so that he could feel my hot breathe on his face.

"Then you will find another path."

Archer's P.O.V

Gripping my dagger and gently pushing the door wider, jumping as a group of men and women ran past me through the hallway.

The room was just as I had left it.

The bed was unmade and items from the night stand were strewn across the floor. I must have accidentally knocked them over when Jeffrey pulled me away.

My friend was nowhere to be found.

I entered the room and looked out the window.

Fire raged below and the courtyard was a struggle of bodies and metal. My hands flew to my mouth, stifling a scream as I watched a man get cut in two, his intestines littering one of the market stalls.

I quickly looked away. All war had broken out and I was trapped in the middle of it.

Misty could be down there, I thought to myself.

Would Beowulf or Galahad help me find her in this chaos? Probably not, they seemed to have one goal in mind and it only had to do with this weird dagger.

I would have to find her myself.

I sighed deeply, breathing in the scent of smoke and death.

I looked around the room for anything I could use.

Looking at the closet I contemplated changing into a decent gown but the sheer weight of those man made, fashionable torture devices would only slow me down. I'm surprised more women didn't die from wearing them. They were horrible.

There was nothing that wouldn't just slow me down in the room, so carefully. Clutching Beowulf's cloak around my shoulders, I exited the room and returned to the hallways.

Now I somewhat knew where I was in the large castle.

The hordes of panicking people made it difficult for me to move but made it easier to hide amongst the crowd in case a guard...or heaven forbid Jeffrey, stopped long enough to recognize me.

As I walked the corridors, I found that I was, more or less, able to follow the general movement of the crowd. Everyone was in hysterics, trying to get out of the building before the fire took over completely.

Putting up the hood of my cloak I felt nearly invisible, blending in with the servants of various courtesans I was able to follow along down several flights of stairs until I hit a hard wall.

I had run into a man. Tightening my grip on my hood, I did what I hoped was a passable curtsy, and apologized before trying to push my way past and back into the crowd.

Just when I thought I was safe, I felt a hard hand grip my shoulder and turn me forcefully on my heel.

"You" He said.

As I looked up, my eyes widened and I swore openly.

It was Jeffrey's lackey, Lucas.

I looked up at the man in fear as he looked down at me like he had just struck gold.

"Finally, I will earn some respect!" his eyes glistened as he spoke "I will return you to my master and claim glory!".

His grip tightened causing me to bite my lip.

Suddenly he groaned "What..." he muttered releasing my shoulder and looking down at himself.

Emerging from his abdomen was the tip of a bloodied sword.

Eyes staring blankly he slouched to the floor causing me to tremble as I stared into his lifeless face.

He was dead and in his place stood a blonde woman with blue eyes, gasping heavily under the weight of her steel sword.

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