Part 19: Friendship

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Archers P.O.V

Where was I now?

"I'm starting to get really tired of being lost all the damn time." I muttered more to myself then to anyone else, as I felt my way along the dark damp wall.

I had finally told Misty everything. Maybe I was stupid for trusting someone I've only known for a month but sometimes, you just need to tell someone! Especially all the scary bullshit that I had been through since last seeing her.

It had brought Misty to tears. She was scared for me, for herself and everyone under the control of Sir Grey and his Queen, Morgana. I couldn't blame her, I was scared to and starting to think that I would never find my way out of this stupid place, I have already given up all hopes of getting home.

After that, she told me she would do everything she could to help me find Galahad like I had promised Beowulf I would. Deep down I felt guilty for making her give up the search for her family to help me, but I had no choice. I had no idea where I was or how to get out of here and Misty knew the castle grounds like the back of her hand. I could only hope that once we escaped I could make it up to her and her family.

After I had relieved myself of my current situation and insistently Misty agreed to help me even more than she already had, we snuck our way into one of the tunnel like passages within the mortar of the walls.

The ceiling spanned up into complete darkness with no end in sight. The air was damp and smelled of moss and mould and the only light came from the small candles we had stolen from a side table in an empty bedchamber.

We walked on for uncountable minutes that spanned into hours, Misty lead the way and I blindly followed. The ground began to slope and I could hear a sequence of squishes as my feet padded the way down muddy path. A familiar metallic scent filled the air, the smell of blood. I had become way too familiar with the terrible smell of blood from the queens tower.

We made our way through the darkness and soon down a long, makeshift, cobble staircase that had been laid for the use of the castles architects, decades before.

"Do you know where we're going?" I asked Misty, holding my candle higher.

"We're nearing the kitchens" she answered, trudging forward without giving me a second glance.

Shivers crawled up my arms and I pulled my cloak around myself tightly

"How do you know that?"

Misty took a minute to answer, I could tell, even from behind that she was choosing her words carefully.

"My father found a way into these walls from the outside when I was young. We were starving and the crumbling hole in the bricks came like a blessing from god. It allowed my father to sneak into the castle kitchens to steal food." She said, "As I grew older he would take me with him so that we could carry more and not have to steal so often. We were caught when I was nine and to keep my family safe I volunteered myself into service as a maid in the castle."

I couldn't see her face in the darkness but I knew her eyes were brimming with tears.

"When was the last time you saw your family?" I asked.

"Not since that day." She answered, her voice wavering quietly.

I wanted to apologize for her loss but I knew it wouldn't have helped with anything. It wouldn't put her family back together or turn back time.

"We're almost there, see?" she said, pointing to a dim beam of light that shone through a crack in the wall.

I followed her closely as she stepped through the narrow opening.

The room we found ourselves in wasn't much brighter than the narrow crawl space between the walls.

It was damp and smelled musty, a small window covered with bars sat high close to the ceiling and the familiar metallic smell of blood smelt heavier here.

"We have to be more careful now, guards frequently patrol this area. The kitchens are just up ahead." Misty took my hand and pulled me urgently behind her. Her hand gripped mine like a vice and I felt her tremble.

"It will be alright Misty" I said reassuringly. "The guards will all be busy with the battle, half of them probably already abandoned their posts"

She said nothing but continued to lead the way through a large metal door that squeaked loudly as we worked together to push it open.

The space inside was huge, cages hung from the walls high ceiling and chains and locks dangled from the cobbled wall. Cells could be seen lining the walls of a hallway that went so far back it disappeared into darkness.

Moss grew in the dampness and puddles could be seen formed on the dirty floor.

A cold shiver ran through me as the sound of moans and cries reached my ears. This was NOT the kitchens.

I looked at Misty questioningly but she wouldn't meet my gaze.

I heard the loud sound of the metal door opening again and I saw two guards flank either side of the door...the only way out.

"I have not been honest with you." She answered, stepping back so that she was between both the guards, who stood motionless.

"It's true that my father stole food for us but one day he had wandered from the kitchens and into the royal treasury. He was captured attempting to steal jewels from Queen Morgana's collection. She was furious and threatened to use him as her next experiment in the tower." Misty fidgeted, her eyes peering down at her feet defiantly.

"I sacrificed myself so that my father could live even if it would be down in this hellish dungeon." She sneered as she motioned her arms around the room.

I was shocked. Her father was a prisoner in the dungeons and to keep him alive Misty had misled me.

"When the attack began I ran into queen Morgana and Sir Grey in the castle halls, her majesty said that if I found you and led you here she would let us go and I could see my family together again." She swallowed hard before tearing her eyes from the prison floor to look up at me, her jaw quivered but the expression on her face was defiant.

"Having my family together is far more important than you." She said with furrowed brows and a tight grip on the metal bars.

"You're a good person Archer, but you have had a good life. My family haven't had that chance, it's our turn now. As I got to know you and you opened up about your life previous to this one. I realized how fortunate you were but you took it all for granted. Even now you seem unhappy and unable to find the good in either world."

Misty turned away and nodded to the guards as she exited through the door muttering a soft, "I'm sorry" before the room got dim and the guards turned the lock.

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