Part 14: Escape

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Archer's P.O.V.

I swear, the dagger was speaking to me, and after everything that happened I still found myself surprised and incredibly scared. If it wasn't the only dignity I had left...I would piss my pants right now.

I stared at it and I could feel it somehow, blindly staring back at me.

"H..hello?" I whispered, so no one else could hear, feeling incredibly stupid.

I strained my ears, forcing out the sound of the battle and enraged crazy screams that were coming from Morgana who was somewhere out of my line of sight.

...ask and you shall receive...

The dagger glowed as the as feathery voice flowed from it, reverberating in my ears.

Again, no one could hear it.

Clearing my throat, I tried to swallow my nerves.

"Receive what?" I asked.

...what you need...

It answered.

"What do I need?" I asked.

The world around me began to change, the raging battle became a fuzzy memory and suddenly I was peering down at myself lying on the altar. For the first time I saw how badly I was hurt and I began to silently cry.
"I don't want this. This isn't how I want to die." Watched myself whisper sadly. this what you truly wish?

The voice asked.

"Of course!" I answered. "That's a stupid questions, of course I don't want to die. I don't want to be bleeding out and I don't want to be chained to that...this stupid altar."

A hard sensation pulled me down, opening my eyes I found myself looking back at the broken ceiling with the cold stone of the altar once again at my back.

But I could no longer feel the cold chains on my wrists and ankles. Trailing my eyes down my arm I could see the chains lying loose and empty at my sides.

My wound was gone and full healed. The only hint that it had ever existed was dry blood and my torn night dress.

Quickly I sat up and scrambled to cover my exposed chest.

My head exploded in pain from the sudden movement. I may have been healed but I had still lost allot of blood and I was feeling the effects.

The dagger said nothing, as I carefully picked it up. It's once bright gold plating gleamed dully in the light.

I silently muttered a quick "thanks" to the inanimate object. I looked to see Morgana being hauled away over Jeffrey's shoulder. Her screams rang bloody.

Beowulf stepped forward towards the door, flexing his muscles and increasing the grip on his sword menacingly. He looked like he was about to start an epic medieval movie chase scene but something made him stop.

I bit my lip, wanting nothing more than for the ground to open up and swallow me whole, I felt like the piggy in the middle of some horrible, violent argument.

Suddenly he looked up and our eyes met. I swallowed deeply, noticing his disheveled hair that stuck to his face with sweat. He breathed heavily as he sheathed his sword.

"Are you alright?" He asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Peachy". I answered fighting the urge to vomit.

He tilted his head questioningly, his eyes remaining on me.

"Fine, it means I'm fine...surprisingly"

Child of Time: The Pendragon LineOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz