Part 6: Captured

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As I looked around I got more and more bewildered, I awoke to find myself inside of a small stone room. It was completely bare apart from a round pool of water in the very center. I was lying alone and wet on the cold cobbled floor. Ignoring the sore, aching pain that began to course through my body I stood up shakily and surveyed my surroundings. The only light in the room shimmered up and reflected off the ceiling from the pool of water.

Against one of the walls was a large thick, oak door. Its hinges were made of an industrial iron and contained bolts the size of my forearm.

I ran my hands along its edges; there was no handle or hinge to pull it open. Wedging my fingers between its cracks it became obvious that it was locked from one side. The wood of the door was rough and untreated, with large splinters edging out from every crevice.

I was wet and shivering as I banged my fists against the old, worn, door.

"Hey!" I yelled, my voice echoing against the stony walls.

The door creaked open loudly causing me to leap back in surprise. Something was wrong, somehow I could sense that something was very, very, wrong. My hands began to shake as I looked up at three male figures step out of the shadowed doorway.

As my eyes fell upon the first two figures I screamed, "Oh hell no!" and jumped over the small puddle to the other side of the room. Putting the tiny body of water between us, looking both annoyed and sheepish stood the two asshole thugs who had jumped me in the park.

I had nowhere to hide; I patted my pockets frantically searching for my trusty pepper spray, slowly realizing I had lost it along the way.

I felt as though my heart would burst from my chest as my mind began to cloud with fear, my eyes widened as I looked around the room for some kind of weapon but there was nothing.

The terror took over everything else then and I was lost to it.

"Xavier, Lucas what have you done to this poor young woman? She looks absolutely terrified." The third man stepped out of the darkness, moving gracefully between the two goons. His voice had a snide, dark tone but he looked kindly at me through eyes black as night that made me feel like they could pierce through my very soul. He towered over me, his broadness seeming to block out all available light.

His hair was black and plaited back, and he wore a loose dark grey shirt with an open v neck and draw string.

Like all the others he had a sword hanging at his side, but his looked older, more used than what Lancelot, Galahad or Beowulf had carried.

My body began to tremble but determinedly I straightened my spine and stared down every set of eyes. I was surprised how quickly the goons, Xavier and Lucas looked away from me.

But the man with the dark eyes would not look away. He chuckled and slowly inched his way closer to me, with hands held up in surrender.

I realized then what a vulnerable position I was in. There was nowhere to go, if I moved away from him as he approached I would be inching myself closer to the goons.

When he was close enough he bowed and kissed my hand. "My name is Sir Jeffrey Gray, first knight of castle Le Fay." He nodded nonchalantly towards the other two thugs, "and these miscreants are Xavier and Lucas whom I fear may have treated you poorly."

"Where am I? How did I get here?" I asked, he kept hold of my hand, his palms were clammy and his very touch sent shivers down my body.

Hi eyes scanned up and down my body making bile rise up into my throat. He held my hand in his clammy palm. The more I tried to pull it away the tighter he gripped. Everything about him gave the impression of controlled dominance; he would have his way no matter what the cost. The fact that he stood so openly about it made shivers run down my spine.

"It is polite to allow me the pleasure of your name. Then I will answer your questions."

I blinked up at him, his eyes held a maliciousness to them that made me cringe.

We stared at each other for a moment.

"Archer", I answered, my voice was no more than a whisper.

"Archer" Jeffrey repeated softly "a very interesting name for an interesting woman. You are in Le Fay castle and you we brought you here. That is all you need to know."

I swallowed hard as he moved closer to me. "What makes you think I'm interesting?" Instantly I regretted asking the question.

He moved so close to me that I could smell the bile stench of his breath as it trickled over my face. His chest bumped against mine. His one hand still clutched mine, the other rose to steady himself against the stone wall. Slowly he craned his neck down to whisper in my ear, "You will see in time."

Jeffrey stood back and kissed my forehead possessively, "You must be cold in those wet robes, allow me to escort you to your chambers." He wasn't really asking as he put my arm into his and led me to the door.

Xavier and Lucas avoided all eye contact with me; instead they resolutely studied the floor as they followed us into the dark flame lit corridor.

Tears began to well up in my eyes as I was lead to and forth down long winding passages. Slowly the floor began to ascend upwards.

My mind turned to Merlin and I prayed he was alright, that by some miracle he had survived. Common sense dictated that he was probably dead. Despite the strangeness of my current situation, I found myself drawn to him and the others like a magnet. I found myself aching for them that felt like a strange kind of homesickness that ripped at my stomach.

I bit my lip hard trying to distract my thoughts, I began to try to memorize the pathway I was being led through.

The area was obviously old, cobwebs the size of a grown man rippled in the moist air, green weeds and vines grew over the walls and moisture pooled onto the floor.

Soon we came to a steep stairway that ended in an iron door.

I stared as Jeffrey pulled from a bag at his waist, Merlin's golden dagger and inserted it into the keyhole of the door and gasped as it popped open. So that's what they had all meant when they called it a key.

A gasp escaped my lips.

On the other side of the door was a large stone entrance. Carvings and tapestries covered the walls; there were fountains, dragons was a popular theme, they were depicted everywhere.

The center of the room had a long burgundy and gold rug leading up to a tall golden throne that was also carved with dragons, frozen in an ongoing battle. Their mouths opened wide revealing rows of teeth and forked tongues.

Tall brass candelabras stood along the sides of the walls and up above there was a second level that was concaved into the walls so that you could literally lean over the railing and see down into the entrance hall.

On one side I saw a very large wooden door that stood open, welcoming in the morning light. How long was I in that room? When those bizarre seaweed things grabbed me the sun had set and night had fallen.

Two guards stood on patrol on either side of the doorway, hollering at women in long traditional gowns.

It was like I was back in time.

Jeffrey sneered, following my gaze to the door, "Don't even think about it". He squeezed my arm painfully.

"The guards would rather kill you then let you leave."

"I am about to ask you something totally cliché so I would appreciate it if you bore with me for it and just gave me a truthful answer."

I could tell my words caught him off balance, but curious Jeffrey nodded, releasing his menacing grip slightly.

"What year is this?" I asked.

A wide smile appeared on his face, exposing rows of menacing white teeth. His eyes darkened and I could hear either Xavier or Lucas choke as they stood behind us, obviously hanging onto every word.

"My lady, it just happens to be 1432"

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