Part 7: Dress-Up

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Beowulf's P.O.V

Lifting my sword I fought hard against the witch's serpents as they flew at our small band of men.

My eyes watered from the intensity of the light, it bounced off the reflective surface of my sword and into my face making it even harder to see.

From out of the brightness Galahad tossed me the slight form of the girl. I caught her easily and placed her away from the impending monster where she would be safe between us. The soft touch of her hand against my chest sent my heart racing.

She was beautiful even in the intensity of the light, with auburn hair that tumbled down to her shoulders, eyes blazing like emeralds and when he got close to her, he smell nothing but summer on her skin, as odd as that may sound.

Even with being tossed about like a ragdoll she stood tall and prominent, unrelenting to the fear that he could see come and go in her face.

Beowulf could see allot of her father in her.

If he really was her father, the only way to know would to test her with the golden dagger and unlock the sleeping bloodline within her.

However, if the witch was already after her, that's as much confirmation, he would need to swear his fidelity.

"MERLIN!" Screamed Lancelot.

Beowulf turned in time to see one of the long sea tentacles strike through the heart of the great wizard and another slither its way through his tunic and away with the golden dagger.

Lancelot, being the swiftest of them all, dodged his way through the imposing tentacles and to Merlin's side.

The tendrils shot back into the depth of the water, there was a loud splash and Beowulf heard Galahad swear under his breath as they turned around.

There would be no use in diving in after her; the witch would have had her across the portal within seconds of submerging.

Beowulf slammed his fist against the railing causing it to splinter under the force.

They had gotten the girl and the dagger, god only knows what that bastard Jeffrey was liable to do or say.

Blood pooled onto the deck of the walkway and my mind was brought back to the moment at hand. We had to get Merlin back to Camelot, my mind knew that the only way now was to go to Le Fay Castle and confront the witch but the very thought of leaving her with Jeffrey Gray made my skin crawl.

Archers POV

He dragged me through the entrance hall and up tall stone steps to the second floor. Men and women curtsied and bowed as we passed, Jeffrey was obviously a man of power. Many eyes appeared to be on me, I was still wet and dripping from my "swim" in the lake and in my work clothes. This consisted of black leggings and a blue button up tunic which, at home would have looked professional yet stylish. Here on the other hand, it was odd and out of place and I could feel the women judging my lack of modesty making me want to stick my tongue out at them and wave a very unfeminine hand gesture.

Jeffrey took pleasure in walking in long strides, listening to me struggle to keep up with his pace. On more than one occasion as we navigated our way through the castle, I shot him the dirtiest look I could muster. Behind us I could hear the panting of Xavier and Lucas who were also struggling to keep up. I had no sympathy for these two.

It became obviously clear that Sir Jeffrey Gray no longer cared if I was in close proximity or not. It also became clear that I had nowhere else to go in this strange castle; my only real choice was to continue following him.

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