Part 13: It Speaks

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Inching my head forward I looked up as much as I could with myself shackled to the icy stone altar.

I blinked hard. Beowulf was in the room, raising his glistening sword again and again tirelessly as Jeffrey defended himself, forcing him back harder and harder.

By some miracle Beowulf had made his way here and forced himself into the Queens dark tower.

With ease and tact I watched as he weaved his feet forward stepping closer to Jeffrey with his eyes glistening dangerously.

Looking back down I saw the golden dagger, abandoned by my side. Its hilt shone in the dim light of the room and I could see my flesh gaping open.

"Shit." I swore, my chest was ripped open and through the clouds of blood and gore I swear I could visibly see the beating of my heart as it struggled to supply my body with life.

"Shit, shit, shit." I moaned feeling pain burn from the wound to all parts of my body.

As Morgana turned her back to me, I stared longingly at the dagger, wanting nothing more than to free my hands of their chains and bury the blade into in to her spine. That was a really violent thought. But at least I could die happily knowing I had stopped such a horrible woman from hurting anyone else.

Or maybe instead of dying I would wake up, at home curled warm and safe in bed, forgetting this nightmare completely. Sadly, I had given up that dream days ago, if I wanted out of this mess, I would have to find a way to help myself.

I yanked at my arms and feet in frustration, causing my skin to pull at the wound painfully. My eyes darted from my shackles to the battle and back again. They could all kill each other and I will be left here alone just waiting to die. I felt helpless, a stereotypical damsel in distress.

"I don't want this. This isn't how I want to die."

The key knows the lock in which it belongs" knows...

I twisted my head sharply. I could hear the words echo through the room but no one else seemed to notice.

...I know...

Beowulf's P.O.V

It took a bit of time to silently pick the lock to the queen's tower, the moment it clicked open I carefully peered into the room. What I saw made my blood boil.

Morgana's disgusting hands were all over the girl's chest. Her evil magic surrounding them in an eerie glow. I didn't wait long to watch as the symbols of Avalon slowly made their way to into her grasp.

With a mighty heave I thrust myself into the room, full of rage and battle lust I lunged at the first one I saw. Sir Jeffrey Gray, the despicable beast that dare to call himself a Knight.

Swinging my sword I met his blade with a thundering clash. As Morgana screamed her orders, I peered at Archer from the corner of my eye. She was moving; despite her obvious blood loss and pale complexion she seemed coherent.

I watched as Morgana withdrew her spell cast hands from the altar in a rage, accidentally stalling her spell, hopefully, buying me some time.

I swung harder with my broadsword, Jeffrey was able to match me with his defence but I could see him slowly weakening under the fragility of his curved hook blade. Both weapons looked almost pink in the candlelight. Jeffrey charged with his hooked blade upheld, going to his fore swing and following it with a backswing. Effortlessly I dodged the first and met the second with my broadsword. Some kind of endless force raged through my arms as we battled, the sheer weight of my blade pushed him back to the far wall.

Looking up, I could see the fiery rage in the man's eyes and the realization that this, for him, was a battle lost.

I charged, sword drawn high. It would be a dream come true to end this miserable man's life. A traitor to his king and country had no right to live.

Some kind of endless force raged through my arms, taking hold of all my senses and pushing me forward for blood.

I swore loudly as Jeffrey dodged and the metal of my broadsword hit the ground hard, reverberating bullets up my forearms.

I was stunned and my muscles temporarily numbed by the impact watching, almost helplessly as within split seconds my enemy's sword was sheathed and he ran from the room with the hell bound queen flung over his shoulder, naked, bloody and screaming.

Authors Note:

This chater took WAY TO LONG. I really had to fight through some concept brain blocks with this one. I hope you like it! Let me know what you think in the comments :)

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