Part 21: Oubliette

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Something forced my feet forward and I found myself flinging my body against the prison wall next to Gray and grabbing violently at his restraints. He winced away in both shock and pain.

He was right, something in me compelled me to be a good person.

I could feel my heart race with anticipation as I heard the thundering footsteps of the beast get louder.

I pulled helplessly at the chains as Grey sneered irritatingly at me.

The clang of metal followed the beasts sound for sound through the corridor and I began to hear voices.

They swore and yelled vicious and throaty snarls at each other. As they neared I could see the reflection of steal bounce along the walls led by a boy.

Galahads P.O.V

I followed the lad, through the chaos of the castle to the calm, cold dungeons that lay below the castle.

It appeared as though the dark queen's knights had no valour or leadership in a single one of em'.

No one attempted to quell the fear that ran through the kingdoms people, instead they spurned it and it filled my gut with disgust.

No guards were standing at the entrance of the dungeons, it was my assumption that, like the cowards, had run off to add to the troubles ahead.

"If I am to follow you, aught I know your name lad?" I asked, watching as he stiffened by my words and continued to march forward silently.

"Have you not realized that I have no interest in eating you? That the stories of the Knights of Camelot are false?" Again, I was met with silence and heard nothing but the cries of condemned men and rattling of dungeon chains.

"Now that I have brought you to the dungeons, I will make my leave" he said after a time, his eyes turned downwards.

"And what life awaits you after this?" I asked, folding my arms.

He looked up at me with questionable eyes.

"Will you go back to slaving away under 'her majesty' Morgana? Or will you continue your way through the castle, stealing what you can in HOPES of making your escape through the chaos of battle with enough value to last your undoubtedly short life?"

The boy nodded, choosing once again to stay silent. I knew full grown men who weren't half as smart as this one child.

"You'll come with me." I said decidedly, walking forward into the darkness.

As I walked, I didn't look back, instead I trusted in the boys options. Nothing was awaiting him back above in the castle walls.

"Perceval" Came his hushed voice.

Slowly I felt my face upturn into a smile, the echoes of his footsteps fell into sync with mine as together we walked into the unknown.

Something told me this small boy, "Percy" would be an excellent addition to Camelot.

As we made our way deeper into the dampness of the catacomb like prison, we moved farther from the noise of the battle above and more into the cries of torture from the damned souls Morgana had chosen to lock away.

My eyes searched the darkness carefully, looking for the familiar face of my comrade within each cell. Percy assisted by pushing is smaller frame between the iron bars, bringing the faces of the dead into the light for my inspection.

"It's a good thing you're so small" I said, after young Percy had wedged his way from inside one of the shadowed cells. His knees buckled slightly as I thumped him heartily on the back.

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