Part 22: Beast

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I followed Beowulf as he dragged Sir Jeffrey Grey through the tunnels of the dungeon by the nape of his neck.

Thundering roars followed in our wake.

We ran until we came to a large vaulted cavern that acted as a fork in the dungeon pathways.

Directly ahead the path continued down another corridor. To the left was a dead end with a waterfall.

The cavern was spacious and obviously much older than the area we had just escaped from.

To our right the walls were carved in curving stone that created a small alcove. Condensation dripped down the stone making the walls glisten in the dim light. A small mote of stale water surrounded the perimeter with nothing but a slab of wood for a makeshift bridge.

Grey continued to chuckle under Beowulf's grasp making me want to punch him.

"You Knights of Camelot." He sighed joyfully.

He had truly lost his mind.

I caught Beowulf's eye, in a couple moments I would slam my fist into this lunatic and end his miserable life.

Beowulf nodded his head in understanding my intent and with a calmness that astounded me, tossed Grey to the alcove wall like a sack of potatoes and with lightning speed chained his wrists with the shackles that hung conveniently from the ceiling.

"Now Sir Grey." He began, "Are you ready to give us some answers?"

"Answers? What kind of answers could I possibly give to the greatest warriors the world has ever seen?" Greys eyes darted around the room nervously.

I found my eyes darting in the same manner, I was all for getting answers but with a Minotaur on our trail I couldn't help but find myself questioning my brother in arms yet again.

"Beowulf...the beast..." I whispered the reminder.

Beowulf waved his hand dismissively, a motion that made him wince from his wounds.

"Should it come we will leave and it will no doubt find ample distraction from the easy meal of Morgana's favorite knight."

Greys eyes widened. "That certainly is not in line with the Knights code."

"No, it wouldn't be." Beowulf answered with a sigh. "But I am tired of playing games."

With another audible groan Beowulf sat on the cold, damp ground, he was obviously willing to wait as long as it took for the beast to hungrily gain our scent.

"First, how did you know of the girl?" He asked, leaning back with one arm resting over his knee. His eyes and other hand were probing his bandaged side. I had done a poor job tending to it.

Percy watched emotionless at the scene before him. He showed no love towards his former master.

"I am in no doubt that Morgana was able to transport you to Archer's world using the same magic Merlin had conjured."

My mind instantly went through every single story, legend and rumor I had heard about the queen. Throughout the years the reports had grown more gory and gruesome but surely, the bitch wasn't as powerful as Merlin, the wizard of Camelot?

"I knew nothing of a GIRL" He answered, coughing and laughing. "But then again...neither did you. Could it be that your very king, adoptive father, master of your sword, forgot to release this valuable information to his most trusted knight? Or was it intentional...perhaps he doesn't trust you as you once thought."

Beowulf stiffened.

"Oh well, I might as well add salt to my metaphorical wound that I have opened in your chivalrous heart" the words slipped from his mouth like acid. "I know exactly as much about the child of time as your very own knights."

Child of Time: The Pendragon LineWhere stories live. Discover now