Part 24: Campfire

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Beowulf's P.O.V.

My body throbbed with pain and I fought hard to look calm now that we were in the encampment...among my men.

My joviality had signaled concern to Galahad who knew me so well that he immediately left me alone with Archer and the boy to find the chemist to look at my wounds.

To leave his lord in the hands of a small boy and girl...woman...even in the safety of our own camp was unheard of for Galahad. My wounds must be worse than I had originally thought.

It was unlike him to leave any man along by a fire with those unable to protect them...or those whom he does not know.

My gut told me the girl was trust worthy and that Merlin was right, as usual.

She had yet to disappoint me and even as a stranger has done all that I have asked.

I sat silently, leaned awkwardly against the log Galahad had coarsely strewn me across to free himself to fetch the camp chemist.

My only view was the girl.

Archer's attention was elsewhere; her green eyes sparkled with wonder and curiosity as she peered around the encampment. I had only gotten a glimpse of her world but it hadn't seen so different. There were many trees and pathways and yet she peered about as if it was a whole new world.

The nearest horse snorted his discomforts making Archer jump from her seat.

She was quick on her toes, I'd give her that.

"He's discontent with his choice of graze. Don't take mind" I answered, groaning as I urged to make myself more comfortable on the dry, splintering log.

Archer saw my attempts and hurried over without hesitation.

I was learning things about the girl. She reminded me allot of her mother, without even realizing it within seconds she could push back her own doubts and help another.

She leaned in and helped steadily my arm so that I could easily lower myself to the ground and rests my back against the log.

She struggled slightly under my weight but hid it well. One hand rested under my bicep and the other rounded my back until I was firmly in place.

Her warm breath breezed against my neck as she had heaved me down to the soft dirt ground and she smelled of the mossy stone of the castle she had been kept prisoner in for so long.

For whatever reason this made me angry. I couldn't explain it.

It was then that I also realized that throughout my own pain and need to endure that I had completely forgotten that she was wearing nothing but a torn night dress and tattered clock.

Archers P.O.V.

"Are horse's picky eaters?" I asked once Beowulf looked more comfortable. He had been making this terrible grimace. He tried to hide it but wasn't doing a very good job.

Beowulf looked at me angrily causing me to back away slightly in surprise. Pulling my hands away from his arm.

Once my arm was withdrawn he shuffled in his seat a bit before seeming contented enough that he could lean back and look at me again.

He didn't seem angry at me but he was definitely angry at something. I worked long enough in customer service to know that much about the human psyche'.

"What was that?" he asked.

"You said that, that horse wasn't really upset he just didn't like what he was eating." I answered. I was trying to distract him from his crappy mood....but utterly failing.

Percy caught on fast and inched over slightly with an incredibly fake interested smile plastered on his face.

"Are there no horses in your land?"

His question surprised me.

"Well...yeah...but only on farms...really." I said turning my head to look back at the large beasts.

"We don't see them every day. Riding horses is considered more of a hobby, I'm sure there are some places that still use them for a living but I'm from the City. You don't usually see them."

Percy's mouth was agape, "Where are you from?" he asked.

I wasn't sure what to say? I wasn't sure what people knew here. Was time travel a regular daily occurrence? For all I know by saying anything I could be putting a target to my back.

As luck would have it Galahad had chosen that moment to storm out of a nearby tent in true Galahad fashion, angrily and with purpose.

Behind him trailed an older knight with a long grey beard and shorn, short hair. He wore a calming smile on his face as he followed the glowering knight towards the campfire.

"Hurt ye self again I see my lord" he said, with a courteous but quick bow, before hastily dropping to one knee and going over Beowulf's wounds.

"Hello...LEWIN" Beowulf wheezed as Lewin with a sickeningly gleeful look upon his face, shoved two bony fingers into Beowulf's battered and bruised ribcage.

"Very interesting, possibly broken...." He muttered to himself almost euphorically while Percy and I stood back stunned by the man's demeanor.

Percy glanced at me from the corner of his eye as if to ask, "Is this normal?" causing me to shake my head vigorously as I felt my body run pale.

Galahad sighed, "Ye may need to take a look at those two as well Chemist".

Percy and I jumped in unison. "We feel fine my lord." Percy squeaked, taking a step in front of me. He was sweet, but in no way enough to protect me judging by the look on the old man's face.

Galahad scoffed, "Augh. The Chemist won't hurt yeah unless he has ta. He's the best war doctor on the continent!"

"Ha!" Chuckled Lewin, "I will see to this lad first". He stated firmly poking Beowulf in his cheek and leaving his finger there, resting nonchalantly.

"Help me get the big oaf to the surgery tent. It would be in the girl's best interest if she was able to....tend to herself before I accost her wounds."

His words made me subconsciously draw my cloak around myself.

"Aye" Galahad agreed, "Perhaps it best she tend to herself in the master tent."

Without waiting for a reply, Galahad waived downs a young woman who had been carrying wood to the center fire.

Beowulf looked begrudgingly at the large knight but said nothing resigning to his words.

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