Part 25: Courtier

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The woman named Alice took me warmly by the hand and led me to the largest tent in the campsite. She told me that it was used for planning by the knights, and often was used by the women the men slept with as a place to preen and powder their noses.

For the sake of your precious minds, I have simplified and "cleaned" up her explanation a tad bit. She was very good at describing indecent acts.

She had ginger hair and splashes of freckles on rosy cheeks but despite her appearance her attitude came across as tough and even a bit rude in the way she described things.

It was almost naïve and I came to like that about her. She was quirky.

From its outer appearance, there was nothing special about the tent she brought me to other than its size, it was at least triple the width of all the others that were meant more for each knights individual sleeping quarters than planning war.

I hadn't realized how cold and wet I was until I entered the enveloping warmth of the tent.

The smell of sandalwood and lavender wafted in the air. The smell was comforting but what I saw wasn't as much.

Women were sitting on large cushions and wicker like chairs. Smiling and laughing while chatting about their day, outfits and of course men. It was more like an old timey brothel than a war room.

The women wore light cotton dresses, cinched comfortably at the waist. Only a couple of them had their breasts hoisted up to the sky. Even that didn't look overly uncomfortable.

This was a world away from life in Morganas castle.

As we stepped further inside, the room became silent and I felt the eyes of a dozen women silently boring into me consigning the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up.

"Another girl?" shrieked a woman from the corner. She stood tall and lean; she had perfect tanned skin and long black hair that hung loosely down her back. Her dark eyes squinted at me in annoyance.

"Calm down Sya" said a blue eyes brunette lounging some large ornate pillows. "Lookit her, drowned like a rat."

"Someone needs to tell that sir Lancelot to stop bringing in more girls from the village" Sya huffed whipping her hair over her shoulder in a single, flawless motion, "or there won't be enough work to go around."

"She's not competition" Said Alice quickly.

"Obviously" said someone else.

Another agreed with her, and then another until the room burst out in conversation over the matter.

Some were all for me joining their ranks as a potential lady of the night.

Others saw me as another mouth to feed and some even considered me completion and I would be lying if I said I wasn't flattered.

Only the brunette remained unfazed, preferring to continue lounging indifferent to the situation.

Letting go of my hand Alice waved her arms madly in the air to quiet everyone down. Eventually the room went still and I could heard a sigh of relief escape her lips.

"She is here to get cleaned up and taken care of. Nothing more." She stated.

"Clearly" laughed the brunette with a twinkle in her eye and a bat of her long lashes, "What I'm wondering is why?"

Alice looked at the woman. "Why?"

She nodded, "What out her in such a horrendous state?"

Alice looked back at me unsure. I shrugged my shoulders unsure what to say but knowing I had to say something.

"I uh...was rescued from the castle." I regretted saying it immediately.

The brunette's eyes narrowed like a snakes while Sya's became wider.

"Who rescued you may I ask?" The brunette was now not only standing but making her way towards me, stalking her curvaceous body towards me like a lion.

"Claira, breathe" Said Alice nervously to the woman who was now mere inches from my face.

I bit my lip uncomfortably. What do I do?

Suddenly Alice grabbed my hand once again and pulled me away from Claira.

"We're just gonna stand around gossiping while this poor kid is sopping wet? I don't think so." She said, pulling me with her from the room. "Mags, boil some water"

We stepped out the back of the tent and into a small, although still large, bathing tent.

An older, gentle looking woman followed with a large pot of water, setting it onto the bath tents modest fire.

Freshly cleaned linen billowed from the rafters, rustling gently from the air that followed us as we closed the tent flap.

"That was weird." I said looking at Alice who busied herself stoking the fire avoiding eye contact.

"What?" I asked, "What's wrong?"

Alice sighed, "Claira is very....territorial."

"Territorial?" I was confused. What did I do to make her feel so insecure? Did I have something she wanted?

"She was once his Lordships Courtier." She said, still avoiding eye contact even as I moved to help and Mags, whom remained silent, fill the bathing tub with hot water. I was really looking forward to a wonderful, warm bath. I was starting to hate my own stink of dungeon water and mildew.

"A courtier?" I asked, empting the last bucket into the tub. "So she stood around at the king's castle?"

Alice stared at me as if I was from another dimension...which was probably true.

"Take err off" she said tugging at the disgustingly, muddy and tattered cloak Beowulf had given me back inside the castle tower.

The way to pulled and pushed me was nothing like Misty. She had been gentle and kind with my modesty issues. Remember my old friend and her betrayal stung my heart.

I guess she was never really my friend. My eyes began to water uncontrollably as I fought back tears.

Keeping up my tough girl persona I pretended to sneeze, hoping Alice and Mags would think that the tears were just my eyes watering.

Alice looked panicked when she saw my face.

My attempt to fool them had failed.

Mags patted my back kindly, "What's wrong girly?"

"There's just been allot." I rubbed my eyes and sighed. I wasn't going to make that mistake again. I wouldn't be so open with people; trust would need to be earned.

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