Chapter 4

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"We have found some relatives of yours, willing to take you in. Your eldest brother will be your new guardian." The social worker in front of me says, "He said that he will take both you and your brother, even though your brother is only his half brother."

Chase looks at me, excitement shone brightly in his light blue eyes. The same colour as mine.

"W-where d-do they l-live?" I ask the social worker, Emma, I think her name is.

"They live right here, our very own, California. They live in Los Angeles as of now, so it's only a half hour drive from here."

"T-thank you." I whisper, squeezing Chase's hand gently.

A small smile creeps onto my face. I have a family. I have a brother who will love me and care for me. Then again, I am a slut. A fatass. A bitch. A whore. A worthless waste of precious space. A fatso, fatty. I'll never be loved. I have no idea why Chase says he loves me. If I can't even stand me, how could anyone else? I look down at my wrists. The reddish lines from my old razors, still sharp as the blade that made them. I run my fingers over the scars, feeling the rough texture of the scars.

"Your brother's personal driver is here to pick you two up. Have a nice ride." Emma says, walking us out to the parking lot.

By the looks of it, it's around 9:30 in the morning.

"Miss. Bronx Smith and Mr. Chase Smith?" An older looking man with a posh accent asks us.

"T-that's us." I say quietly, yet he still heard me.

"I will take you to your brother's home."

Stepping into the limo stretch, I eye the expensive leather seats and the assortments of candies and chocolates. Chase immediately reaches for the tub of Skittles, but I swat his hand away, not wanting to get in trouble for eating the candy my brother has bought, most likely for himself.

"No, I'll find us something later." I whisper.

"Okay, Mama." He says with a yawn.

Chase rests his head on my lap and falls into his beautiful, calm sleep.


A half hour later, we pull up to a beautiful, modern style house, scratch that, modern style mansion.

"D-did w-we get t-the right h-house?" I ask the driver, who gives me an amused look.

"Yes, Miss. Bronx, we do have the correct house." He says with a chuckle.

The fabulous sliver gates open as we drive into them, giving us access to the gravel driveway. The long drive is lined with big, beautiful trees, leading up to the round-about at the front of the large house.

"Oh, my God! This house is sooo cool! We gonna wive here?!" Chase asks, totally excited.

"Yep. This is where we live now!" I whisper in his ear.

"Sir, Miss. Bronx and Mr. Chase are here now." The driver says to a tall man, about late twenties at most

"Thank you Jeremy." The man says as Chase and I step out of the car.

"Hello! I'm Nathaniel, your third oldest brother. I'm twenty. Your oldest brother, Alessandro, is twenty six. He's not here right now, but he will be here for dinner. Let's head inside and you can meet your other brothers and get settled in." Nathaniel says to me.

"Hey little dude! My name is Nathaniel, but you can call me Nate or Nathan. What's your name?" Nathaniel asks Chase, crouching down to his height.

"I'm Chase! It's nice to meet you Nate." Chase says smiling.

"It's good to have you home Bron." Nathaniel whispers to himself, yet I still heard.

"Let's go meet your other brothers." Nathaniel says.

He opens the large double doors. When I walk through the, I expect to see at least one or two other people, not 5!

"H-hello." I whisper, my head bowed.

"Hello, I'm Vicent. I'm twenty four and the best brother you'll ever have!" Says the tallest one of the 5 grouped together in the large front foyer.

"I'm Gager, nineteen, and I'm the best brother  ever." Says the one smack dab in the middle of the group. He was about a half inch shorter than Vincent, if not less.

"I'm Luca. I am seventeen years old and am the older twin, my twin being Parker, senior in high school, and to clarify, I am the greatest and the best brother of all time." Says the odd boy out.

All the other brothers have brown hair and hazel eyes, whereas Luca had bright blue eyes, just like me. He also had dirty blond hair, not brown. He must take after our mother. Father had brown hair and hazel eyes, but from what Father has said about my real mother, she had platinum blond hair and light blue eyes.

"I'm Parker, seventeen, I'm the younger twin to the asshole over there that goes by the name of Luca. I'm also a senior in high school. Let me just set the score straight, I'm the best brother in the history of brothers." Says a boy, a bit taller than Gager with a bit of a tan, more so than the others.

"And last, but not least, I'm Jayden, the youngest brother. I'm 16 years old, junior. I'm not going to fight these numbnuts on who the best brother is because it's obviously me." Says the shortest one.

"Woah, there's a wot of yous here. I'm Chase. This is my mo-sister, Bwonx." Chase says from my side.

"Well, it's cool to meet you Chase. You look a lot like your sister, you know that?" Luca says, kneeling down to Chase's height, just like Nathaniel did.

"P-people s-say that a-a lot." I stutter out; damn, I hate that darn stutter.

"No kidding. If you weren't, what, nine, ten years older than him, you could pass for his mother!" Parker says, looking between the two of us.

He has no idea how right he is

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