Chapter 11

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Gager's POV

What the fuck happened in that store? She went in and everything was all fine and dandy, then she comes out and faints! That does not happen randomly.

"Shit! Bron? Bron! Wake the fuck up!" Parker says, shaking her slightly as we make our way through the mall.

Her body looked so small in Luca's arms. Chase was in my arms, tears running down his face as he watches his mother's limp body move with Luke's movements. Everything feels like it's in slow motion. None of this feels real; like I'll wake up and it will all be a bad dream and Bron will be okay at the house. People's heads turn in our direction as we run through the hallways of the mall.

"Momma?" Chase whispers.

"What's wrong Chase?" I ask.

"What happened to Momma? Did Dia come back? That's what Momma looked like afta Dia hurt her." Chase says quietly.

Father beat her till she was unconscious?

"It's okay bud. Momma is okay. We just need to take her home right now." I explain to him.

"Okay. Only if you pwomise Momma is gonna be okay." He says, holding out his pinky.

"Promise." I say, linking mine with his and racing after my brothers and Bronx.

The car ride home is excruciatingly long, even though it's only about fifteen minutes. Parker, Chase and Luca are all seated in the backseat with Bron. Luca was on Bron's left side, Parker on her right and Chase curled up in her lap. I find it really sad - no more than sad - that this is not the first time Chase has seen his mother unconscious, and the fact that this is not the first time she's been like this.

"Call someone." Parker says, breaking the tense silence that had settled in the car.

"Yeah, I'll call someone. They can help when we get there. Who should I call though? Ali, Vince or Nate?" I say, somewhat in a panic.

I feel my hand start to visibly shake as I tap on the touchscreen pad that is linked to my phone. Going to the phone app, I look through the contacts and look up at the road, then back to the screen.

"Call Ali. He's the oldest. He'll know what to do." Luca says quietly, not wanting to wake the now sleeping Chase who is only about a half a foot away from him.

"Yeah, you're right." Gager says, clicking on Ali's contact.

"What?" Ali asks through the phone.

"We need some help. We're on our way home from the mall. Something happened in one of the stores and Bron passed out. W-we don't know what happened. We weren't in the store with her. She came out and looked panicked and then just fainted!" I say, my voice shaking.

"Shit. Okay, how far away are you from the house?" He asks.

"About five-ish minutes." Parker says.

"Okay, when you get home, go straight to the medical bay. I'll have Doctor Richards waiting for you there." Ali says.

"Okay." I say, ending the call.

After that, the car had gone back to the tense silence. These last five minutes have been tortured. Arriving at the house, Jayden and Nathan were waiting for us at the doors. Luca and Parker both got out then reached inside to grab one of the two people still in the car. Parker had taken the sleeping Chase and Luca grabbed Bronx.

"What the fuck happened?" Nathan hissed at us.

"W-we don't know. She went into the store and came out scared." Parker said, looking at her with watery eyes.

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