Chapter 12

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Bronx's POV

"What the fuck happened?" Luca asks, tears pooling in his eyes

"I-i, umm, I j-just, I s-saw C-co-oden. I-i'm s-sorry." I stutter, tears making my vision blurry.

"Who's Coden?" Gager asks.

Can I tell them?

"Well? Who is he?" Luca presses.

"H-he's C-chase's father." I whisper, somewhat ashamed.

"Oh." Was all that was said.

Chase had never met his father, nor would I want him to, but I can't hide the fact that his father is in the same state, the same city as us. It scary as fuck, but he can't see that. He can't know that I'm more terrified of Coden than I am of my own father. After we moved away from California, Coden would come visit if we were close enough for him to drive. Every time he came, I would lock Chase in my room and make sure Coden and him never crossed paths. My worst fear is Chase meeting Coden and something happening to my baby boy.

"Hello! How are you feeling?" A voice asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

"I-i'm okay." I say quietly.

"Great. I'm Doctor Richards, a close friend to your brothers." The man, Doctor Richards, introduces.

"H-hello." I whisper.

"Well, let's get to the point. I'm going to ask you a few questions. If you don't feel comfortable answering one of the questions just say next or pass. Are you okay with that?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say, barely above a whisper.

"Great, first question. Do you know what made you pass out?"

"Yes." Coden

"Can you tell me what that it was?"

"C-coden Dan-daniels."

"How do you know him?"

"He- I, um, h-he i-is, I just, um, n-ne-ext."

"He's Chase's father." Luca says, answering the question for me.

"Oh, okay. D-did he, um, did he notice you?" Doctor Richards asks, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"I-i accidentally bumped into him. I-i don't know if he recognized me though." I say, recalling the events from what I can only assume was earlier that day.

"Okay. Well, thank you for answering my questions. Um, you can go back to your room once you are feeling better. You might be a little dizzy at first. Because one of your brothers caught you before you hit the ground, you don't have any physical head trauma." He says, looking down at his clipboard.

"What do you mean by physical head trauma?" Luca asks out of the blue.

"What I mean is that there is no physical trauma to her brain. There is most likely mental trauma. Probably PTSD or something along the lines of that." He says, looking between my brothers and I.

"Oh. Thank you Richards. You're dismissed." Luca says, his voice starting to break.

"Okay, take care Bronny." He says, walking out of the room.

Bronny? Did he know me before? I know that I've never met him. Then again, anything is possible now. A month ago, I was getting a beating because of god knows what, and completely oblivious to the fact that I had seven fucking brothers less than half a country away. If someone told me that this would be my way of life even six months ago, I would have laughed in their faces and told them that they're crazy.

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